Would You Hire Lane Kiffin? | The Odyssey Online
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Would You Hire Lane Kiffin?

Kiffin is a high risk, high reward.

Would You Hire Lane Kiffin?

Lane Kiffin, the former Alabama Crimson Tide offensive coordinator and now the current Florida Atlantic University head coach, is quite the character to say the least. From missing buses to having a whole city of Knoxville hate him, he has accomplished quite the resume in his young career. Is he really worth all the trouble of having him at your favorite school though?

Kiffin's recent "departure" from the University of Alabama is a somewhat unusual move. The Crimson Tide will be playing in a national championship with the new coordinator Steve Sarkisian... for his first game. As suspect as a move this is, Kiffin will be fine and is already out recruiting for his new team down in Boca Raton, Florida. But what exactly is FAU getting into with their recent hire?

An offensive genius, with questionable character and an erratic personality, he will score you points. However for you FAU fans, best believe in no way does he intend to stay there. This is measly a pitstop for a big name like Lane Kiffin. He wants to become a Nick Saban kind of name. You can not become a house hold name at a no name school. I give Kiffin a maximum of two years at Florida Atlantic but I presume he will be gone after one season to the first big named school to offer him a head coaching gig. Sorry FAU but you will have a lot of instability over the next few seasons. Enjoy the talent while you have it.

As for the following school to hire Kiffin, beware of his wild antics, because he is known to get schools in trouble for violating NCAA rules. Whether it be him breaking rules, or coaching the team into the ground Lane Kiffin is probably the most desolate wild card you could ask for. His short stints, do not plead well for his professional career either. If you ask me, I would stay as far away from Kiffin as possible for the sake of keeping your team's program safe. Somehow, whether it be good or bad, Kiffin will leave his mark on whatever university he is at. Not trying to bag on the guy entirely though, he's kept his nose clean at Alabama, maybe he has learned from his mischievous ways. Needless to say he is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you are going to get.

Besides the instability this is an improving move for the Florida Atlantic Owls, and makes the program a lot more attractive. Everyone will have a close eye on this school for the upcoming season to see how their move plays out.

The absolute best way to describe his dubious career in one sentence is, Lane Kiffin is, as Lane Kiffin does.

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