Dear Mom,
It would take a lifetime for me to be able to show you how much I appreciate everything you do for me. You clothe me, feed me, and put a roof over my head. Every day, I am thankful for every small and big thing you do for me. However, the smallest thing that came from you is the biggest gift you have ever given me.
A sister.
I was young when she was born, yet, I loved her so much I could not comprehend it. She was small, adorable, and all she could do was smile a toothless smile. I know being pregnant for nine months, working, and taking care of me was hard, so I thank my lucky stars every day you did this for me.
Having a sister has taught me so much. I have learned to share, which as a child is not something we are naturally inclined to do. I learned to love someone other than my parents which allowed me to understand the feeling of love I can feel towards others. I have learned to be kind to her even when she makes me very angry. I learned it is okay to be myself because my sister loves me unconditionally even if I am the weirdest person ever. I learned to have someone's back because when we are both getting in trouble, we make sure to stick together. Lastly, I learned that family can also be considered a best friend. My sister and I may not get along every minute of the day, yet, she is still one of my best friends.
I promise to take care of her. I promise to hold onto her tight and try to protect her from all harm. I promise to love her unconditionally. I promise after every fight, to go back in the room and hug her and say I am sorry. I promise to always and forever take care of the gift you have given me when you are or are not there.
I wish I could give you a gift, mom, that would be worth everything you have given me. However, I can only give you my unconditional love and thank you's every day to show you that the best gift, my sister, is something I appreciate every day.
Another sister