Sure, there are millions of articles with titles similar to this one. *cue DJ Khalid saying 'Anotha one!'* This is because there are millions of different experiences and perspectives and it can't hurt to be over-informed. For many high school juniors and seniors, college is an upcoming decision and is most likely always on your mind. Here are some things I wish I would have known.
1. Do not worry about choosing a college that none of your high school friends are going to.
I am going to be real and say that you probably won't be friends with most of your people from high school after a few short months at college anyway. I chose a college that many of the people I went to high school with chose and I only talked to one who also happened to be my roommate. Chose a college for you and you only.
2. You will miss home, even after your first year away
Sure, everyone talks about the emotional moving day. Rarely do you hear about second-semester homesickness, however. Being a sophomore who falls in love with her school a little more every day, I still miss home like crazy. If you chose to move away from home, you will spend the next four years constantly missing one of your homes.
When you go back to your family home, you will miss your college town. And when you are stuck in class or overwhelmed with school, you will be missing the heck out of your hometown. If you chose wisely, the homesickness will be worth it.
3. College is not as intimidating as people make it seem.
Sure there will be days, weeks or sometimes even months when you feel like you are drowning in your schoolwork. But for the most part, I have found college to be a breeze. Despite the fact that I have two extra minors I am working on, I took the time to figure out which type of learning works best for me and it has made all the difference. You will have more free time than you think. You will have enough time for a job and a social life and still receive good grades. It all comes down to dedication and knowing yourself.
4. The only pressure you should feel is the pressure to be yourself.
I am well aware that peer pressure is still relevant among college campuses, but I feel it is incomparable to high school. There is a group of people for everyone at any college campus. People wear anything from onesie pajamas to suits to class. You will not be judged for eating alone, not being in the party scene or having four coffees in one day. People simply do not care as much as they did in high school and this should be a relief to you. Get ready to shine in college because this is the most opportune time to reveal who you truly are.
5. Freshman year will be the most fun.
Take advantage of that first year because it will fly by. Stress is at an all time low, the newness of the campus makes everything magical and there are less responsibilities. This will be the year you make a few distinct friends and a whole bunch of acquaintances. Every little shop and restaurant in this new town will be your FAVORITE that you would never get tired of, right? Wrong.