My furry little companions, thank you. I know you probably have no comprehension of how much you actually do for me, but you guys do a lot. You greet me with the most loving "hello" I've ever received, and break my heart with your sad faces in the window when I leave. Thank you for listening to my problems. You seem to truly enjoy my ranting, my silly voices, and the funny names I call you. I'm not sure if you actually do or if you think I'm a nutcase but you listen, and that's all that matters. Thank you for being my snuggle sidekicks. Even though you get hair in my mouth, and everywhere for that matter, you're the greatest, warmest cuddle I've ever felt. I love your wet noses, sloppy kisses, and how you both make me smile when I'm in my deepest sorrow. I don't know how, but you know when I'm sad. You know the exact moment I could use a friend, and you give me just what I need. A little kiss on the nose and someone to talk to. You might find this surprising, but I really do love how you both sit at my feet when I cook in the kitchen. You've both mastered the "Please feed us we're starving and haven't eaten in days" face, even though you just had breakfast a mere three hours ago. I'm also a huge softy which helps in your favor. Even though I might push you both away and tell you to "go lie down for goodness sake!" you know I'll always give you a little piece of whatever I'm making (unless it's chocolate or unhealthy for you, of course.) My favorite thing ever though is when I mention that word, that one magic word that sends rockets of excitement through your bodies. The word that makes your tails wag all over the place and makes you both do funny dances. The infamous word, walk. Sometimes I think you guys love walks more than me, but then again I'm the one who's walking you so I guess the love is equal. There's truly nothing better than hearing your metal, bone-shaped dog tags jingle as you excitedly prance down the street. The happiness, the freedom, the excitement that flows through you as we adventure around the neighborhood radiates the sidewalk and infiltrates me. Your floppy little ears bouncing up and down as you pull me down the street. There are an infinite amount of reasons I love you both, I could go on forever praising your loyalty and denoting your quirks as well. You guys aren't perfect, but you mean the world to me and I wish you could live by my side forever. The thing is though, your lives may not be as long as I would like them to be or as long as you deserve, but in your short time here on this earth you've changed my life for the better. That's something I'll never be able to repay you both for, but if you could understand me I would tell you everyday.
LifestyleJan 18, 2016
What I Want My Dogs To Know
Wishing my dogs could understand me, although I kind of feel like they already do.