There has been a recurring theme in my spiritual life lately:
God's glory.
So many times, we call on God when we need something. Our prayers consist of "God please grant me X" or "Lord I really need Y".
Yes, God wants us to bring our needs to him, but He is so much more than the good gifts that He gives us. His gifts are just the surface of his goodness.
God deserves glory for who He is as a person.
As creator of the universe.
As the breath of life.
As giver of abundant, undeserving grace.
As just and holy
As all powerful and all knowing
There are so many attributes of God that deserve eternal praise.
In his model of prayer, Jesus asks that God's kingdom come to earth as it is in heaven. Imagine that. Everyone always praising God for who he is. Not always focusing on what God can give to us, but what we can praise Him for.
These glorious attributes can be seen all throughout our lives--
In the gift of music- His beauty and emotion are shown
In the essentials of food and water- His role as provider is made apparent
In the sunrise- His majesty and creativity are displayed
In the waves of the ocean- His infinite grace and mercy that continue to wash over us
In our next prayers, let's spend some time praising God and giving Him the glory he deserves.
Recognize Him for what he is worth rather than just a request granter.
"Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven." Matthew 6:10 ESV
"Bless the Lord, O my soul! O Lord my God, you are very great! You are clothed with splendor and majesty" Psalm 104:1