How many times have you looked into the mirror and thought to yourself: "I would be so much prettier if..." I know that I have been in that situation plenty of times. STOP. Stop letting Satan twist your mind into thinking you aren't good enough. You are exactly how God made you.
Wow. That's insane. All of my "flaws" is exactly how the King of the Universe wanted me. In Psalms, it states: "I will praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Your works are wonderful and I know this very well." (Ps. 139:14). Why is this something that is so easy for us to tell others, but difficult for us to believe ourselves. I constantly struggle with beauty but I find it so easy to encourage others struggling with beauty.
So are we worthless or unworthy?
A common misconception is that these two are the same thing. Newsflash, they aren't. This is a question that I know plenty of people struggle with weekly, if not daily
WE ARE NOT WORTHLESS. Being worthless would constitute that we are, in fact, worth nothing. Absolutely nothing. And if that is the case, and we are in fact worthlesswhy did God even create us? Think about it. ALL POWERFUL ALL KNOWING GOD, created something not even worth His time? Doubt it.
On the other hand, being unworthy? That is something I believe. God is ALL POWERFUL AND ALL KNOWING. He is so much greater than us, yet He sent His ONLY SON (the only one, he didn't have another. I checked.) to die for ME, for YOU! That blows my mind. I sin & fail God daily yet he still offers unfailing, unshaking love to me.(Especially when I don't offer that same love to myself...
Take some time this week, or even just today and make a list of everything that you like about yourself. Focus on this. You are God's original masterpiece and don't let that be changed by a number on a scale or the rude words of those around you. When you get a chance watch the Skit Guys: God's Chisel & grab some tissues. God doesn't make junk