Why do we let someone else tell us what we as a person are worth? Why do we let all of our happiness depend on someone else? These are things I wonder about all too often. Not only do females do it, but males do it as well. It's something we all need to stop doing. My worth as a person and my happiness should not depend on another person. There is a difference between being happy and being happy with someone. Before you can ever be happy with another person you must put yourself first. You must take everything you hate about yourself and learn to love it. Your hair, your nose, your eyes, the fact that you have to wear glasses, your fat fingers and toes, your little fingers and toes, ears, and all the other things about yourself you can't stand you must learn to love. If you cannot love yourself the way you are then you cannot expect someone else to love you either. This is something everyone struggles with. I struggle with this every day. There are things about myself that I am not too fond of but I am working every day to love each and every part of myself the way it is. I too have put myself in the position where I have let the way someone else views me define my worth. That is something no one should put themselves through. You are worth more than all of the stars and the moon in the sky. No matter what someone else thinks about you the only opinion that matters is your own.
Everyone has let the world put us in stereotypical categories and define ourselves by the certain category society has told us we fit in. We as a society have begun to categorize and sort people like we categorize plants into little sections like fruits, vegetables, flowers. We then get down to the color of fruit, vegetable, and flowers so we make sure everything fits neatly within its own kind. We should not do this to people because we are all one kind. We are all mammals. Black, white, fat, skinny, short, tall, monolingual, bilingual, and anything else a person could be. At the end of the day we're all human. So why do we keep letting society, our friends, our colleagues, ourselves put labels on what we are. I want to take a stand against the labels that have been put on me and that I have put on myself. I no longer want to let someone else define me and my worth. I no longer want to define myself according to someone else's opinion. I am my own person; you are your own person. Every single one of us are all our own indivudial sevles. Now we must let ourselves be the judge of our worth. Ladies stop letting the way the star football player sees you be the way you see yourself. I promise you're worth so much more than whatever he says. Gentlemen, stop letting the way the girl who walks all over you sees you be the way you see yourself. You too are worth so much more than what she says. We are all worth so much more than what others say, even me. Even though I tell you that you are worth all the stars in the sky I'm lying, you are all worth so much more than I can ever put into words. Please never forget: YOU ARE WORTH MORE.