Let's be completely real for a second, we have all deleted Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter posts because they didn't get as many likes as our other posts. We have questioned if a person is mad at us when we text them and they don't text back within the minute. We over think every relationship, every comment, every glance, every little detail. We fear failure even before we try. We constantly rely on the social cues of the people around us to determine how to live our lives and measure the worth of each day. We are human. We seek affirmation. We seek love. We seek to be known. We seek to fit in.
All of that being said, there is a truth that is so much greater than our insecurity, shame, and fear. During the time of creation, God's response to creating man was, "...it is good." This declaration didn't just stop at Adam. It has rippled through time and to this day He looks at you and me and says, "... it is good." So, if you're struggling to believe that you are enough, here are 4 reasons why you should believe that you are.
1. Your worth is His breath in your lungs.
One of my favorite spoken word poets, Jefferson Bethke, said it best, "You have got to be careful about how you talk about someone else's work." God formed you in His image, in His likeness. Before you existed, He called you out. In Genesis 1 we read that He breathed into man and gave him life. God's breath, in our lungs. Since when do we let people dictate our worth when God, Himself, gave us life? We breathe in His life every day. We are alive. We are set apart. That is worth that cannot be broken.
2. Your worth is Jesus.
So, if you haven't heard already, God gave His only Son for you. The Son of God, in the likeness of man, came to save you from brokenness, shame, fear, and the list just goes on and on. The things that you think stain your worth have been replaced by the love of God. What kind of a father would do that? A prince is the pride of a nation, the apple of his father's eye. So what kind of King would give up His pride and joy to save a broken and lost world? God would, and He did it with you in His mind.
3. Your worth is in the truth that His love is relentless.
Here is the fact of the matter, friends. People will let you down every day, whether you like it or not. There will be people that wait for you to fail, or make you feel like you're not good enough, or even make you feel like you are alone on this journey of life. There will also be instances where your own mind will try to convince you of these lies because we like to overthink, overanalyze EVERYTHING. But I am a firm believer that the truth will set you free, so here is the truth. He loves you. The Maker of the heavens, Yahweh, Emmanuel, Almighty God- He loves you. While you spend your time belittling yourself by the words of man, the King of Kings is so relentlessly in love with you. He won't give up on you. His love cannot be shaken.
4. Your worth is in His purpose for you.
A lot of times we get so caught up in "being someone" that eventually "being someone" makes us believe that we are less than we are. Remember that you are purposed. God has chosen you and seen you for something so much greater than your own dreams for yourself. He is intentional about the seasons, the people, and the opportunities. Never let your circumstance make you believe that you are less than what God calls you out to be
There are so many other reasons that I could go on and on about to support the fact that YOU ARE WORTH IT. This burden of self-worth that we carry around, isn't our's to carry because He is our worth. In Him we are whole, we are loved, we are chosen. There is no compliment, or social media like, or fame that can challenge His love for you. Who You Say I Am - Hillsong Worship