We’ve all been there. You like a boy, and he doesn’t like you back. Or maybe he does like you back, but he doesn’t pursue you. Either way, it leaves you wondering, why? What’s wrong with me? Why was I not good enough for him? But that’s not the case.
He wasn’t good enough for you.
I know that’s hard to accept. You’re probably rolling your eyes right now, just like I’ve done a thousand times. Every time I like a boy, my friends tell me that he isn’t good enough for me. I never understand why they say that because I’m too busy thinking that I’m not good enough for him. And I feel proven right when he doesn’t pursue me. Like he agrees.
But it’s not that you aren’t good enough for him, it’s that he isn’t right for you.
There are a million boys out there. Not all of them are right for you, and you’re going to like a few of the wrong ones before you find the one who pursues you like you deserve to be pursued, and never stops. Think about all of the boys you are friends with, but aren’t dating. It’s not because you think they aren’t “good enough;” it’s because you know they aren’t right for you within the Lord’s plan.
This boy just wasn’t right for you within the Lord’s plan.
But knowing that doesn’t just make the feelings go away. You still spent time with him. You invested in him. You prayed for him. And then glass shattered when he decided not to pursue you, or to stop pursuing you.
Sometimes you think, well could be right, just not right now. It will be later. He’s the one, I know it. Sometimes it is timing. I know couples who have broken up, dated others, got back together and stayed together. I know couples where the boy liked the girl but told her it wasn’t right, but then after time pursued her. So sometimes it is timing.
But it probably isn’t.
William Shakespeare wrote, “Expectation is the root of all heartache.” If you expect that this boy will later on in time change his mind, if you expect that he will run back to you apologizing, if you expect that he will become the perfect boyfriend you’ve imagined he will be, expect heartache.
Whenever you think, he’s just not that into you, remember he’s just not that right for you.
You shouldn’t wait for him to realize that you are amazing. You are worth more than that. You are a prize to be won. You are something to be sought after and fought for. You are someone God fought for. You are someone Jesus died for.
You are no one’s consolation prize.
It’s time for you to start acting like the first place prize. You are desirable. You are worthy. You are pursuable.
Don’t chase after any boys. I know it’s hard, but sit tight and wait for the right boy to chase you. Because he’s out there, and he will. He will make you forget about this boy who didn’t see your worth. Or the boy who did see your worth, but knew it wasn’t for him. Because you are worth more than the boy who didn’t pursue you.
You are worth more than the boy who didn’t pursue you.
One more time for the kids in the back, you are worth more than the boy who didn’t pursue you.