Have you ever finished a TV show or movie and thought that it was really good, but then lay awake at night thinking about all the things that were unexplained or didn't happen when they should have? I do, all the time. Here are ten plot holes that ruined my life - spoiler alerts ahead.
1. Niklaus and Elijah Mikaelson's Death
As stated in the TV show "The Vampire Diaries," when one Original vampire is killed every vampire that came from their bloodline dies with them. We saw that when Finn and Kol were killed. So, in "The Originals" when Niklaus and Elijah die in the series finale that means that Caroline, Tyler, and many other people should be dead. Yet this isn't mentioned. I have scoured the internet but apparently, Caroline is still alive. PLOT HOLE!
2. Peter Pettigrew Discovery
We know that in "Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban" Harry discovers that Peter Pettigrew is still alive when he sees him on the Mauraders Map. But we also know that Fred and George Weasley had that map since their first year at Hogwarts. In the time that they had the map, they never noticed that there were two men sleeping in their brother Ron or Percy's bed while at Hogwarts. And considering how often they eluded to them using the map I find that hard to believe. PLOT HOLE!
3. Harry Potter and His Threstal Discovery
So we learn about Threstals in "Order of the Phoenix." We learn that they are only visible to those who have seen death. So why was Harry only able to see them at the beginning of his fifth year? I mean, I can maybe get behind that he was too young when his mom died in front of him for it to count. But, he watched Cedric Diggory die in his fourth year. Therefore, he should have been able to see them at the end of his fourth year when they took the carriages to get to the train. PLOT HOLE!
4. Steve Going Back In Time
So if anyone watched "Endgame," they know that Steve decided to ditch everyone he cares about (including "I'm with you 'til the end of the line" Bucky Barnes) to live in the past with his love interest Peggy Carter. So, I have a lot to say about this. Let's start out by saying that we learned in the Winter Soldier that Peggy married someone else, so he screwed that guy over. We also know that in the future he makes out with Peggy's niece, who is now related to him. Gross. He decided to change the past to benefit himself but decided to leave "I'm with you 'til the end of the line" Bucky Barnes in the clutches of Hydra. He also screwed himself over because now nobody is going to look for him in the ice meaning the real him from that timeline is going to be frozen forever. Way to go Steve, hope it was worth it. PLOT HOLE!
5. Big Bang in the Elevator
As anyone who watches "Big Bang Theory" knows, the elevator in Sheldon and Leonard's apartment building is broken. In season one Leonard informs Howard and Raj of this when asked, but states he doesn't know why. Except later on in the show, we get a flashback episode showing that Leonard and the gang were the cause of the malfunction. So why did Leonard need to explain it to them way back in the beginning of the show? PLOT HOLE!
6. Dexter Murders
Dexter is known for being careful when it comes to committing his crimes. Yet, he seems to always use his desktop at work, a.k.a. the police station, to research his next victim. Does nobody find it suspicious that the people that he searches on his work computer turn up missing the next day? PLOT HOLE!
7. The New Office Daddy
In the final season of "The Office, we see Angela tell Dwight that she lied about who her son's biological father was and that he was Phillip's real dad. Which is all well and good except for the fact that like a season before this Dwight did a paternity test on the kid and it came back negative. So... something either went wrong or someone is lying. Either way, Dwight should have some questions. PLOT HOLE!
8. To High School We Go
The viewers of "Teen Wolf" know that Malia was stuck as a were-coyote for most of her life. Before Scott and the gang could turn her back she was only at a third grade level of education. Yet she is able to slip straight into high school, no questions asked. Shouldn't she have needed to pass some tests to prove that she was able to handle the course load after being missing for so long? PLOT HOLE!
9. The One Where They Meet Again
In the very first episode of "Friends," we see Monica introduce Rachel to the gang. The only people she knew going into it were Monica and Ross, except later on in the show they use flashbacks to show that Rachel had actually already met Chandler. Hell, she kissed the guy at a college party for goodness sakes. PLOT HOLE!
10. Santa Isn't Real
As everyone knows, when you hit that age where you are "too old to believe in Santa," your parents gently break the news to you. But in the world of the "Santa Clause," adults should never stop believing. Do parents not question the random stuff that their kid gets on Christmas? Stuff that they definitely didn't buy and that shouldn't be under the tree. It just doesn't make sense that adults don't believe when the magic is happening right under their noses. PLOT HOLE!