Spring break is fast approaching, and there are hundreds of different places you could visit or things you could do or people you could visit. But there is one thing you absolutely should not do, and it has nothing to do with an MTV beach house. No, the worst thing you could do over spring break is - nothing.
Yeah, nothing. And by that, I don't mean that there isn't a worst thing - the worst thing is nothing. Let me put it this way: to do nothing over spring break is to be doing the worst thing possible. Or, doing anything is better than doing nothing. Does that make sense now?
Of course, by doing nothing, I don't literally mean nothing. That would actually be kind of impressive. No, I'm referring to the kind of nothing that includes lounging around in bed all day, binge-watching Fuller House and Game of Thrones, taking breaks between episodes only to use the bathroom and make a grilled cheese sandwich that you're still just going to eat in bed.
Don't be overcome with sloth. I know that spring break (or March break, depending on where you're from) is the last real break you get before being thrown into finals, and it's tempting to use that time to do some ultimate maxin' and relaxin'. But remember, once you're thrust out into the "real world," AKA the "professional workplace," both spring and summer break cease to exist. And for most college students, summer is already a time for internships or short-term jobs.
What I'm getting at here is that breaks like these are some of the last big chunks of free time you'll have for a long time, other than vacation time you take off from work. That's a pretty depressing statement, I know. And I'm sorry, but it's true.
Take advantage of the week or two you have here to do something you don't normally have time for. Write a couple chapters of the novel you've been thinking of for months. Pick up an introductory drawing book and go to town. Review your class notes to keep yourself caught up. OK, that last one probably wouldn't be too fun, but it is a good strategy.
Don't forget to get outside as well; go for a walk, whether alone, with the dog, or with pals. Maybe even go for a run. Go to a playground and show up all the little kids with your incredible skills on the swings. Honestly, it doesn't really matter what you do, as long as you get a little bit of fresh air every day.
I'm not trying to shame you if what you feel like you really need over break is to lie in bed all day. You know yourself better than I do, after all. But if you want to feel really refreshed after break, my suggestion is to continue flexing your mind and body in ways you don't usually get to experience during school.