I'm one of those people who wants to look good and to be known for looking good. For example, one of my good friends, Jenna. Jenna has the quirkiest style, she has a corny and somewhat nostalgic style with a touch of boho.
Makes no sense, I know. But it works.
Everyone loves it and she doesn't even have to try anymore, it's an established style.
I'm envious.
Then there's me, with the ever-evolving style depending on my income.
1. Emo - Middle School 6th grade
This was actually disgusting, not only was I poor (So I couldn't establish the style with my clothing), but I couldn't apply eyeliner. It was actually horrendous. Someone should've called the police. It was a hard time for me.
Luckily this was short-lived and I gave up.
Thank God.
2. Quirky - Middle School 6th-9th grade
It was atrocious but a lot better than the emo style. Crazy fluorescent socks and T-shirts that go along the lines of, "Rawr means I love you in dinosaur". Or my favorite, the ketchup and mustard bottle saying, "What's up dog?" to a hot dog- I lost that so long ago.
3. I tried to establish skirts and dresses as my own style - High school 9th-11th
This one has kind of meshed with my "style" now. Except for skirts, those fly up too much. The quirky style was embedded in there too, it was sort of a mess.
4) Florals and premature bohemian - High school 11th-12th
This was around the time my mother stopped buying my clothes and I began to have a sense of my own style. The bright colors have been thrown away from my wardrobe and become warmer or darker. A lot of floral textiles and a lot of tunics.
5. Vintage bohemian with textiles. Freshman year- to current.
This one is more diverse. I pretty much wear the same color scheme now: beige, brown, black and softer colors. Birkenstocks, oxfords, baggy pants. Crop tops and cardigans. Sometimes minimal clothing, it's a more body positive style.
6. Overalls! - Current
I've taken an appreciation for overalls. I own only three, two skirts and one pant. But they're widely accepted by my "style." The overalls collection is continuously growing.
I'll give this stage in fashion another four years, let's see if it develops into something unique.