1. Animals of Any Kind
Why are animals considered sexy? What is it about a cat's ears or a rabbit's ears that people assume draws members of the other gender, or the same gender in, and makes them, for the lack of a better word, aroused. It's ironic how most of the animals that we say "aww" to on a daily basis when we see them walk around aimlessly or nibbling on some sort of food become the staple of the adult costume market come Halloween.
2. (Sexy) Native American
Why...? What is the point of rubbing salt in the wounds of people that have faced ostracism and hatred for hundreds of years now. We live in the place that they once thrived on, and ruin the land that they once planted and harvested on. And now we have license to dress ourselves as them? I think the term Redskins in football is bad enough, pass on the Native American costumes.
3. Nurse
A very easy go-to among ladies, just throw some type of a white gown on, cut most of the bottom half of the gown off to be as revealing as possible, and deliberately act clueless and cute to attract every frat boy around you. A "slutty" nurse is essentially the pinnacle of terrible Halloween costumes, in a way it celebrates the overall concept of objectification and in its core, Halloween is meant to present a chance for people to dress up as something else that is either real or documented fictionally. I don't know where a "slutty" nurse shows up in reality or fictional documentation besides the dark corners of the internet.
4. Disney Characters
Needless to say, boring, overdone, and well past their prime. Wearing a Disney costume makes it seem like you're still stuck in the past, back in the cute days of childhood trick or treating, which obviously is different than adult halloween. But, that is not a ticket to start dressing slutty, which seems like the immediate go to for a lot of people attempting to assimilate into adult halloween.
5. DIY Costumes
Now, this category is a hit or a miss due to how broad it is. DIY's can truly be amazing if the right time and effort is put into them. Creative people can come up with the most amazing concepts not seen in stores without having to resort to boring stuff or anything "slutty." However, there are also the DIY's that you can tell just got really lazy. Wearing a green t-shirt and drawing a few scars on your face doesn't make you Frankenstein. At the end of the day, if you're going to DIY, make sure you're either creative yourself or are working with someone that is.
Finally, it seems like the whole concept of Halloween is stuck in these two extremes that for some reason, people need to accomplish. It ends up becoming a hypocritical day due to natural objectification that occurs leading to arguments in social media, disputes in the public and (hopefully not) even crime sometimes. It seems like in college sometimes, a lot of the roots behind Halloween goes away and it becomes this over sensationalized, sex-driven holiday. I'm not saying to go back to trick-or-treating with our mom's and dad's, but try to gain a little perspective and perhaps everyone could have more fun, or less fun, who am I to complain.