It's about that time, where everyone is sniffling, sneezing and coughing. The student health center is piling up, and if you hadn't gotten a flu shot, better stay inside. Being sick in general sucks, but here are some reasons why being sick in college is even worse.
1. Nobody is there to take care of you
When you were at home, your mom would make sure you were okay, constantly remind you to drink fluids, and handle every little thing for you. Now you have to make yourself food, pick up your own prescriptions, and decide for yourself if you need to go to the doctor. What?
2. Sickness is everywhere, literally.
If you live in the dorms, germs are literally on everything. You have to have an immune system of steel to live in those things. And when you're trying to get better from sickness, all those gross germs everywhere isn't helping. S go ahead and do what I did, buy some Lysol.
3. Dining hall food is not helpful.
When you're sick, you want food that won't upset your stomach and will give you good nutrients. No offense d-hall, but y'all don't have it. Never in my life when I was sick did I crave pizza or some sort of meat I think is brisket but who knows. So if you want some food that won't make you feel like death, you'll have to go find it yourself.
4. There's no place to get a good nap
When you leave the doctor's office, they always tell you to get rest, but living in a dorm not only with a roommate but with 30 other people on the hall with paper thin walls, it's a little hard to find somewhere to catch a good nap.
5. Missing class means being 40 chapters behind
In high school, you could be gone a couple days and only have one assignment to make up. In college, you miss one class and you're deducted 30 points, missing 2 chapters and don't even have a seat anymore.
So in conclusion, being sick in college, sucks. Be sure to thank your mom for all those times she took care of you while you were sick, and be grateful for the good ole days of high school, because now it's time to take care of ourselves, and it definitely isn't fun.