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5 TV Shows That Had Just As Terrible Endings As The 'Game Of Thrones' Finale

I have read this phenomenon where people are against the end of a TV show and this is normal because humans do not like to say goodbye to anything, even a simple TV show.

5 TV Shows That Had Just As Terrible Endings As The 'Game Of Thrones' Finale

Endings are even harder than we want to admit. A couple of weeks ago, we said goodbye to "Game of Thrones." You know I am a huge fan of the TV show and the books; I have shared with you some of my favorite episodes and why you must read the books.

I was so excited about the last season and the previous episode, but I did not like it. Worse, I hated it. I literally hated the final episode and I hated the full season. After some research, I found out I am not the only one who did not like the last season. Actually, there is a petition to HBO to remake the last eight episodes and over 1,200,000 people signed already. I think the request is too much and we have to live with the fact that it is the end.

Then, I realize there are other TV shows I followed for years and they gave me the worst experience when they ended. I have read this phenomenon that people who are against the end of a TV show is normal because humans do not like to say goodbye to anything, even a simple TV show. If you think about it that is true. I can say I have not liked any last episode of any TV show.

I want to share with you my top five worst TV shows ending. It will help you to be prepared if you are watching any of these TV shows, or not to watch them at all. Of course, this article is full of spoilers.

1.    “Game of Thrones.”


I initiate my article with "Game of Thrones" because I love it. Even though I hate the last season, I can advise everyone to watch it. The production is perfect; the stories are amazing most of the time and the characters are unique.

I do not like the end for many reasons. The main one is the producers did not take the time to develop some stories; then, a protagonist like Daenerys Targaryen caused genocide in one second. She was a good person in one episode and the next one she killed a million people for no reason. It hurts because I can understand that it is the destiny of the character, but I deserve to have a good story behind it.

There are more: Bran is the king (Are you kidding me?); Jaime going to rescue Cersei (Why do you destroy a fantastic character?); The North is independent (Why the other six kingdoms are not asking to be free?); Arya now is a good person (No, no, no, she is a killer); Jon is the highest paid extra in history, and more and more. Enough videos and podcasts are talking about this. The point is they did not end the story in the right way.

2.    “How I Meet Your Mother.”


I liked "How I Meet Your Mother," even though I knew it was not the best show ever. I liked the characters, the jokes and the way they told the story. I spent nine years of my life, finding how Ted meets his future wife. I thought it was an excellent argument because after you find the "one," you usually forget your life before that.

What I did not expect was the end. Nine years into finding who Ted's wife would be, and they killed her and told me that the real story is about Ted and Robin. No! I am not going to accept it. It has been years and I am still mad. Do you know what I did? I watched the entire show again and I found a great ending on YouTube. I chose the end I like the most so I could be happy again.

3.    “Dexter.”


I think I liked "Dexter" as much as I loved "Game of Thrones." The first season blew my mind. Some episodes gave me nightmares. The next three seasons were terrific, but the end of season four was totally unexpected. After season five, the show went to a kind of nonsense. But, the last season was a mess. They invented new characters like a psychiatrist and her son, who do not add anything to the story.

The end was worse than my worst nightmare. Deb is killed because she and Dexter made terrible decisions. The other secondary characters did not receive the treatment they deserved, and the worst is Dexter. First, he allowed a serial killer to raise his son in Argentina when this kid has two siblings and grandparents, and Dexter is going to live his last days as a woodcutter trying to forget all his past. Really?

I am still in shock.

4.    “Bates Motel.”


"Bates Motel" is a good show. The creators loved "Psycho" by Alfred Hitchcock enough to make five seasons of prequel to the movie. The show is well done. They adapted the magic of the 60s. I think there are a couple of seasons that were not necessary, but they did an excellent job with Norman and Norma. They also did a good job telling the story of the motel and the secondary characters.

Also, the mythic-shower-scene was excellent. The show even surprised me, a person who has watched "Psycho" dozens of times. The last episode was terrible. Romero spends the whole season plotting the way to kill Norman and he gets killed like he is stupid when he showed for five years that Romero is an amazing detective. Norman's end is not bad, but I think it should be different. In any case, watch both the TV show and the movie.

5.    “Will and Grace.”


I am so happy because "Will and Grace" is on air again. This TV show was a massive step for the LGTB community. The new seasons are good and the first eight seasons were amazing. The characters are unique, even the secondary characters. The stories were hilarious. However, the end was so terrible that they raised that ending in the new seasons.

The idea of Will and Grace having a life apart is impossible and the idea of their kids falling in love and getting married is too corny. Thank God for the second chances!

Tv shows are part of our lives. We spend years watching them, being happy, sad or mad because of them. It is normal we do not want to say goodbye, but as their audience, we deserve for the writers to give us their best work and no nasty endings.

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