Living on campus has its perks that’s for sure and some cons too but it’s hard to adapt to the change of living off campus.
- 1)The Commute the traffic, the parking OMG at Kent State University we have zero parking but thousands of students! Or for people like me that live close enough to walk (but not really) my hike to class is not something I enjoy.
- 2)You feel excluded, all these cool things going on buy you’re not aware, you have no idea!
- 3) Meal plan. So the food may not be the best but at least you didn’t technically have to pay for it right?!?! NO!!! I have to use “real” money and my debit card to pay for food so that sucks.
- 4) Even if you want to go to campus to experience these fun things good luck on where to park! You’re going to have to pay for a meter or accept the fact you may get a parking ticket and here at Kent State you know you’ll get a parking ticket.
- 5) All your friends are so far away. The friends you don’t live with seem to live so far away, not just a walk away but now a drive with issues with parking. Being away from friends kind of sucks and can be lonely so you just have to make time.
But mostly important you have to make the best out of everything. Being off campus may not have all the perks but now you have an apartment and you have freedom.