On a really bad day, I like to tell myself, "It could always be worse." Usually I think, "Okay, at least it's not Monday." Because you know what sucks? Monday. You know what also sucks? All of these things. And actually, these 20 things are worse than Monday. These are some of the worst things you can experience in life.
1. When the middle of your food is cold.
Seriously, who taught you how to cook?!
2. Pulling up to a stoplight right as it turns red.
Why me?
3. Plucking one wrong eyebrow hair that totally ruins your entire brow.
Guess I might as well die.
4. Buttoning up your entire shirt before you realize you skipped a button.
Not today, Satan.
5. That moment when your sock slips down inside your shoe.
Kill me now.
6. Drinking something fruity after you brush your teeth.
It's like licking the bottom of someone's shoe.
7. Dropping your phone on your face.
Sometimes the ones you love the most, hurt you the most.
8. Realizing you have to pee once you're all cozy in bed.
Why do bad things happen to good people?
9. Missing the bus by literally two seconds.
Guess I'm not going to school today.
10. When people listen to music without headphones.
Were you raised by Satan himself?
11. Finding the perfect piece of clothing online and seeing "Out of Stock" next to your size.
Fine, I'll just be naked then.
12. Watching helplessly as someone snags your parking spot.
Honestly, why?
13. When someone gets in the elevator and is literally only going up one floor.
What is wrong with you?
14. People who change the song right when it gets to the good part.
C'mon man.
15. Ordering something at a restaurant and hearing "Oh, we're actually out of that."
Why is it on your menu then?!
16. Writing so hard you rip the paper.
I played myself.
17. Sitting down in a warm chair.
You nasty.
18. Stepping in dog poop.
I'd rather not.
19. When a bug flies into your mouth.
Time to go swallow a bar of soap.
20. Itches you can't scratch in public.
Hell on Earth.