We live in a day and age where the majority of millennials and Gen Z post every single little detail of their relationship online. While there is nothing wrong with that (but I honestly don't need to read about your first time in bed) some take their online relationship image too far.
Social media influencers paint a picture-perfect relationship for the world to see. People swoon over the photos, wishing they could one day have a relationship like that. When in reality, their relationship is probably not always like that. They have fights, they doubt each other, they may just sit next to each other in silence while scrolling through Twitter. Though they will always post the good, the fun times, the silly (but staged) photos. People comment #relationshipgoals and wonder why their relationships never look like that.
In reality, your relationship and their relationship are probably more alike than different.
Stop letting social media dictate how your relationship should look. Stop trying to become the next #relationshipgoals couple. Stop trying to make your relationship just like the ones you see in magazines and movies. It will drive you crazy when it does not become a picture perfect relationship.
Put down the phone, ignore the online influence and experience your relationship.
Enjoy each other's company and learn about each other. Leave your phones at the end of the table when you go out to eat. Forget about the latest meme or the newest outfit a celebrity is wearing, and have a tech-free conversation with your significant other, giving your full attention to them. Discover their hobbies and maybe even try them out as a date. Enjoy the moment, capture it in your mind, not a phone. Make goals with each other, for each other, not for your followers. Learn a recipe with each other, or play a board game, or watch a bad movie and make fun of it. There are so many countless lists of new experiences you can do with your significant other.
Subtweeting about your relationship problems will not solve them. Talk them out with each other. Listen to your partner, understand their side and work from there. Find out the best means of action to work on the issue and continue to work towards that common goal found through talking one another. Only you can determine the path of your relationship, not magazines. Know when a normal argument begins to turn into a toxic relationship and how to determine if it is time to leave.
Social media is a wonderful product that lets us connect to each other 24/7, but it often leads to tension in our real life. It makes us worried if we are living our life incorrectly, or our relationship is not where it should be. It makes us push ourselves to change our way of life to appear as if we live a full life, constantly worrying about how others perceive our online self. We no longer enjoy the moment like we did as kids, but live in a state of wanting to be the next viral hit. Your relationship will become the next #relationshipgoals when you enjoy your relationship in itself, not what other online think of it.