To the nervous college freshmen,
I am the oldest child of three girls, the first to tackle everything-college since my parents graduated back in the dark ages. I have been asked the same set of questions in the past year so much that I now wake up at 2 AM, regularly, from the same nightmare screaming “these are not the droids I am looking for” as question marks step on my heals in a horrifying game of chase. I would love to say I have it all under control now, but I have just completed my first three days at Wagner College and would be just as lost if I had to go through the college process again. With that being said, I have learned a few things, if these few things could take at least one brick off one person's shoulder, than I know it would all be worth it. Here is the eleven things I wish someone had told me:
- Second guessing is okay. It is going to happen, many many times. Don't freak yourself out when you go through all the lists of what ifs. “What if that school was more me, or that bed spread fit my personality better?” What ifs are never going to end, you will always wonder.
- Buy a mattress pad. I don't mean the small ones every bed has. I mean the luxury tempurpedic ones that break your parents bank. That's one thing I certainly wish I did. These beds are not like my one at home, that's for sure.
- Do all documents, forms, homework, and deadlines your college asks for. On the down low, summer work is probably the least of your worries, but do it anyways! Start off strong.
- Over pack. Over pack everything you know you will need and everything you think you will need. It is better to have too much than not enough. You can always send stuff off as your parents finish dropping you off.
- Take a deep breath. Do it regularly, hourly in fact. The small act of exhaling goes a long way in helping you relax. There's never a bad time to relax. Just remember everyone is in the same boat you are, as cliche as it is, it is true.
- Pack too much underwear, it will save you from doing laundry. You can always resort to the turning it inside out trick, but please for the sake of everyone around you, pack an overwhelming amount of underwear.
- Bring quarters. Laundry is expensive and it's easier than breaking all your ones. Also, quarters come in handy for other things.
- Saying goodbye- it was the moment I was dreading most. I made it brief, surrounded by every other human on campus, so I wouldn't break down and cry. Mom is going to be sad and sentimental, dad too probably. It is okay if you are. Know it's not a goodbye, but a see you soon. Who knows, maybe you are stone cold and saying bye is just a waste of your time. Either way show your momma some love.
- After your parents leave, you might feel more lost than before. That's expected, it's probably time for another deep breath. There's going to be so much going on around you. You don't have to know everything yet, you don't have to know anything yet. Figure things out as they arise but don't put more pressure on yourself than you already have.
- Remove the elephant! Meeting your roommate for the first time, trying to make friends, being the first to shower, all things can be awkward but take that big uncomfortable feeling and throw it away as soon as you can. You'll have to get passed it all eventually. Break the bathroom barrier. Laugh at what could be awkward and make yourself comfortable. Everyone is in the same situation and is going to have to overcome the 'crap' load of things that could be are new or scary. It's only awkward if you make it awkward, am I right?
- Have fun! It's probably the most said advice but honestly let go and put yourself out there. Say hi to random people and do what feels right and enjoyable. I have yet to find my niche but I know it's coming. Push yourself to be outgoing and meet new people. College is all about finding yourself and enjoying where you are in life.
On a side note, I have yet to accomplish all of these helpful hints but I have been told that normalcy, comfortability, and confidence come in time. I'm trusting everyone's word and figuring out for myself that everything works out in some form or another.
The Insecure College Freshmen