Hanging above my bed is a sign that reads ‘my worries are few because my blessings are many.’ However, this is not always the case. You see, the truth is that sometimes I can’t even see past worries to realize the blessings that I do have. Seriously, no matter how many blessings the good Lord gives me I still find myself focusing in on my smallest worries to fixate on. Literally, I am the person who could worry about worry – it’s really that bad. My worry, doubt and anxiety sometimes truly gets the best of me and I struggle to overcome it.
And the solution is super simple right? Pray about it. I mean, duh.
But I’m human. A human who over complicates life because I try to make things work on my own. So, why exactly do I do this when I know that I should just give all things to God? Well, I don’t know, but probably because I’m a total control freak who lives 100% by my planner and who would love to have my life completely laid out using dates, times and color coordinations. But the honest truth is, no matter how much I plan for my life – I’m not in control of it.
I’m not in control of a single second within a day and with this realization all of my worry, doubt and anxiety leave – every single time.
God is bigger than all of our worries. But, we have to surrender. We have to surrender every single thing, every single day. Whether it be homework, a unfulfilling job, relationship issues, car problems, family drama, or maybe your day just flat out stinks – surrender. He will sustain you. Our God is present in all situations and He will provide us with the power we need for completing any task that we are called to because He is always faithful.
The Bible actually gives us a direct look into the ways that The Lord will sustain us and I want to share them with you. Psalm 55:22 states: “Cast your cares on The Lord, and He will sustain you; He will never let the righteous be shaken.” Within this verse, God is literally telling us to give Him our problems because He can handle the burdens which are too heavy for us to carry. I mean, wow, it is that simple and direct. Now, Isaiah 46:4 also states: “I am He who will sustain you. I have made you and I will carry you; I will sustain you and I will rescue you.” Again, this is God telling us just how much He loves us. He clearly tells us that if we just surrender to Him – He will rescue us, He will protect us, and He will care for us. I mean, the love that He has for us is just so beautiful.
So, instead of worrying about every single detail of your life simply rejoice! Walk in the freedom that only God can offer. Focus in your blessings because they are many. Make a point to become more faithful in your prayer life and trade being a worrier for being a warrior and God will equip you. Life is fuller with more prayers and fewer worries anyways.