So I was scrolling through my numerous social media feeds, like I always do, when I was hit with multiple (and I do mean multiple) articles about "The Ugliest Color on Earth." Apparently, despite the rampant violence sweeping the country, and the rest of the world for that matter, the most important thing that's happening right now is Pantone's 448 C has been named the "world's ugliest color."
Let me just save you the curiosity and show you this "monstrosity." (You should be warned that multiple people found this color highly offensive and I will not be held responsible for any physical or mental harm that may come with viewing this color.)
Here it is. Pantone's 448 C, or what most people would call "olive green." Not only is this color just another color and not an actual threat to anyone, but contrary to popular belief, I think this color is nice (not that that actually matters either).Now, as I previously mentioned, multiple publications have decided this color is newsworthy. Among many other things, they have referred to this color as "repulsive," "offensive," and even "disturbing," so I've taken it upon myself to come up with a list of current events and general truths that actually deserve the use of those very adjectives.
1. Reputable publications, with huge followings, are using their reach to talk about something as meaningless as this color, as opposed to the other topics on this list.
2. Christina Grimmie was murdered at her own concert on June 11, 2016
Even though you can't bring a water bottle into a venue, it is somehow okay to bring in a gun.
3. A child was attacked and ultimately drowned by an alligator at Disney
His parents clearly had something better to do than watch their child.
4. The largest mass shooting in America took place this week at Pulse Nightclub in Orlando
Forty-nine people lost their lives due to hate, prejudice, and (again) the ability to get a gun into a very public place. Additionally, because of this shooting, Islamophobia is becoming more of an epidemic in America.
5. Racism is still a thing.
6. Homelessness is a very, very real thing
About 564,708 people experience homelessness on any given night, according to The National Alliance to End Homelessness.
7. Human trafficking still happens.
8. Humans are not only killing off each other, we're also killing off animals
There are 17 critically-endangered species in the world followed by pages upon pages of endangered species.
9. The LGBTQ Community still is unable to donate blood.
That ban may be lifted soon, however.
10. Donald Trump may actually become the next President of the United States.
But who am I kidding, the fact that people are "offended" by olive green is clearly more important than the fact that the world we live in is so full of hate and ignorance.