As a muggle who’s mind is always in the wizarding world, I
understand the shock and upset feeling that most are feeling about the newest
addition to the
"Harry Potter" life. Although
I, too, was upset after purchasing the newest edition, I understand that is was
never meant to be the newest novel…although that would have been much appreciated.
Every good book, novel, series, etc. needs a good spin off. Not just for the
profits, but to keep the story alive. Many people, including myself, do not have
the ability to live on through years that were not meant for us as Dumbledore
Therefore, we will not be able to share the wizarding world and all the joy it brought to us as children, and if anyone is like me, adults. Great stories have lived on because of the spin-offs that have occurred. My cousin is 12 years old, and he would have never known what "Star Wars" was if it weren’t for the small books and cartoons that have been recently coming out. Those are not true originals, but they are what was created to keep the story alive in the newest generations. Currently, I am reading a spin-off of a classic, "Pride and Prejudice." This one, however, is "Pride, Prejudice and Zombies." This sounds off and like it would be terrible, but it is better than I thought. When it comes down to it, something that sounds or looks like it would never work, may in fact work. I have not yet touched my copy of "Harry Potter and The Cursed Child," but eventually, I will, and regardless of it not being a normal add-on of the riveting wizarding world that I am used to having, I hope it will continue on and make children happy.
As sappy as it sounds, when I was younger this series saved me. It took me to a world unknown, a better world that my own. It was an escape. All the troubles in my life became a blur and the adventures of Hermione Granger, Ronald Weasley and of course, the infamous Harry Potter became my own. Page after page, I was intrigued even more. The fact that the story continues regardless of the media type makes me just as happy when I was a young kid trying to conjure up a Patronus of my own.
To those of you who have read this and have no idea what I am talking about, pick up one of the books or maybe take the easy route and watch the movies, and you will at least partially get the frustration that us wannabe wizards and witches are going through. At first, it is going to be something huge to wrap your head around, but I can promise you, it is time worth spent. The frustration will be understood. For those of you who share the frustration that as I do, remember the happiness the wizarding world has shown you, and remember it is a step closer to sharing even the dark arts with the brightest of children.