How can a seemingly "separate", yet connected set of roads wrap the globe as to unite the human race?
We create human progress through sets of innovations allowing us to expand this so-called idea of connectivity. It introduces a level of coordination and unity, but it's mandatory to take into account the level of complication and risk in order for this extent of expansion.
The overflow of technological networks can disturb the human pattern of acquiring skills as we become more dependent on tools, to a certain extent, dictate our lives. More valuable jobs are being replaced by newer innovations, in which we can question whether our connections among peers are reliable. Human response is not clear, as we've surrendered to metal objects.
As trust and truth fade, all kinds of societal tensions unfurl. Human instincts are being preyed upon as we unceasingly remain subjects. It's difficult to resort to convenience, comfort, and care when we become vulnerable to new tech tools targeting and manipulating us, as if our well-being is a crime.
In the coming years, it's only a matter of perception of whether we are entering a world of concerning hazards or amazing innovations.