It’s finally here. Exam week.
It seems like just yesterday that I sat nervously on FDOC listening to my professors outline each week of class. Each one took extra time to single out exam week. “Now I want you to all mark your calendars for this date. The final exam.”
Back then it seemed so far away, well now it’s here. I definitely wouldn’t believe anyone who told me that exam week didn’t stress them out. It’s like people turn into zombies…staying in the library 24/7, eating weird food, and turning pajamas into their staple outfit. But I’m definitely not here to dwell on the realities of exam week because let’s face it- we could all do that.
You probably started reading this article because you’re in “the exam funk” or using this as an excuse to procrastinate on your studying but I hope that at the end of this, you’ll be relit and ready to conquer exams.
First off, let me remind you that caffeine (especially coffee) is your friend. This week it’s your best friend.
Second, don’t become obsessed. Too many people spend this week of their semester cramming, crashing (because caffeine can’t solve all your problems), and crying. Of course I support studying but I definitely don’t want you to forget that there is more to life than exams. Sure these grades could alter your GPA or help you determine your career field but they definitely don’t represent who you are. No test grade will ever to represent your full intelligence, character, or strength.
Don’t forget about the people who love you. Nothing warms my heart like encouraging words from my family and friends wishing me luck and cheering me on. I promise that you will still be loved no matter what your GPA is.
Remember how far you’ve come. The finish line is in sight. Work hard and make your final exams the icing on top of a great semester. Get a good night’s sleep, treat yourself to plenty of Starbucks, and remember that doing your best is the best you can do.
Good luck and happy finals week!