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A World Without Scales

What would happen if we stopped having one behind every bathroom door?

A World Without Scales

What happened if we stopped having scales at our houses? What would we use to measure our weight? Is measuring our weight even important?

In our world, having a scale is almost as common as having a mirror in your master bath. We weigh ourselves religiously and focus more on the number on the scale to define who we are than the things we do in life to make ourselves happy. We are convinced that if we are a certain weight, we will automatically become happy, but the reality is, there is no magic number that is associated with happiness. There is no certain size that will make you "who you think you should be". You can be happy at any weight. So why let a scale be your source of happiness? Instead, what if we reserved the scale strictly for the doctors? After all, they all the ones who can determine if a weight of healthy or not in a much more scientific and probably accurate way than we can. What if we went to the doctor, found out our weight, and if we are unhappy with it, then we can make it goal to be a different weight next time we went to a doctor? We could measure our health based on our exercise, our nutrition, and how we feel mentally. None of these things include needing to know our weight.

We live in a society where being skinny is more important than being healthy and this needs to change. It's sickening that we live in a world encouraging a young girl or boy to put their size before their own health. If we all focused on eating fruits and veggies wash day and make more time for working out or simply going on a walk with our loved ones, we could stop obsessing over a number on a scale that varies with our height, bone structure, and muscle mass. I could be 120 pounds and be over weight or 120 pounds and underweight. There is no perfect weight because a healthy weight is different for each person. So next time you get that pit in your stomach before you step on the scale, remember it doesn't matter what the number is. Get rid of the scale. Stop comparing your weight to that of those around you or to what the media tells you to be. Set goals for making yourself feel energized, healthy, and healthy. If you do that, then you will be at a weight that is healthy for you.

If you struggle with your weight and need to reach out for help ok how to do these things that's ok. If you need help not obsessing over your weight and worry you have an eating disorder, that's ok. There are people who can help you. Do not feel alone. Weight is just another demon so many of us face. Health should be number one. If you are healthy and someone doesn't like your weight, you don't need that person in your life. We need everyday life without scales. We need a new standard of measuring health. Life happiness or nutrition. We can change this standard, just it will take time. Do not worry about what the media says.

You are beautiful and you are so much more than that number on the scale.<3

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