My high school FFA advisor used to always tell me, "If you ate today, thank a farmer." Growing up in a farming family that seemed like a given thing to me. Over the years I've realized not everyone knows how important agriculture really is to our everyday lives. Unless you're actually involved in the field it's easy to take for granted all that the industry provides. Let's take a look at where we'd be in a world without agriculture.
Hungry, very hungry.
While this seems like a given there are genuinely people who think food is made in grocery stores. The vast disconnect a large part of this country has from the farm is honestly disheartening. Without agriculture, we'd starve.
Naked and homeless.
People often think agriculture is just a good source, they forget that it's also the industry that provides many essential raw materials. The cotton and wool we use in clothing are both agricultural byproducts. The lumber and logging field are huge parts of the industry, and these are just a few examples.
Without many everyday items.
Without agriculture you can say goodbye to products like makeup, soap, paper and ethanol. All of them are made up of some sort of agricultural by-product.
And facing a lack of modern medicine.
Did you know that in the 20th century, insulin actually came from pigs? Some places in the world actually still use insulin that comes from swine. The agricultural field has paved the way for modern medicine. Many agricultural GMOs are used to produce various medicines.
A world without agriculture would be very different compared to the world we live in today. It's easy for us as humans to take for granted things when you don't really know all the work that it took to get to us. Remember to always be thankful for the industry and those involved that provide so much for us. Without agriculture, we wouldn't be here.