Engaging our civilization through scientific literacy.
Happy World Space Week!!! :)
October 4-10, 2016
Since today is the third day (October 6) of Space Week, I've set this concise piece of writing to serve as an explanation for WSW.
World Space Week began as an initiative to appreciate space and science. During the decade of 1990's, the idea began to take shape.
The main idea to introduce World Space Week as an annual weekly holiday was organized as a means of recognizing two of the biggest events in the history of space. The events that were to be commemorated were:
Launch of Sputnik 1
Sputnik 1 was the first human-made satellite to orbit Earth!
It represents the basic legal framework of international space law. The space law is the legally set statute that governs activities in outer space.
Through the years, this event has become of wide interest as more and more people turn towards science when searching for answers and inspiration.
Therefore,The United Nations General Assembly created World Space Week to commemorate the aforementioned historical moments (launch of Sputnik and signing of outer space treaty).
Later on, following its conception in 1999, the UN General Assembly set the specific week of Oct 4-10 as Space Week. It was introduced with the main purpose of motivating the public towards pursuing science and understanding its importance.
The World Space Week this year in 2016 revolves around a very fun and scientific topic! The theme is “Remote Sensing: Enabling Our Future." What this title refers to is the mechanisms by which space and the utilization of modern technologies allows for the monitoring and remote accessing of data from Earth's atmosphere (through devices, controls, etc...) for the advancement and well-being of our planet.
Mexico has been one of the greatest advocates of World Space Week!
The Mexican Space Agency was founded in 2010 and since 2012 has been coordinating this annual week celebration. Due to their international exposure, they agreed to take the opportunity to raise awareness for the importance of exploring space and space itself. The support that Mexico has provided is incredible! Approximately 3 years ago, in 2013, the WSW in Mexico had reached approximately 7000 participants in 10 states, and for 2015, nearly 112,000 participants were recorded from 22 states.
How can I join the celebration and acknowledgement of World Space Week?
Well, you can certainly promote science, math, and topics related to the intellectual divisions with your social media. Social media serves for inspiring, sharing, and communicating with fellow humans all around the world. So think of all the benefits to posting! It can motivate your friends to pursue space and science (if they haven't been into it) and awaken their curiosity to the vast and profound world that resides within the intellect and knowledge.
Walk and trace the footsteps of space by keeping up with the latest news!
To encounter new knowledge and acquire a plethora of expertise, the eagerness to apprehend ought to exist in our minds.
Intellectual astuteness is essential to the expansion of our horizons and to the unfolding of the mysteries that, with much willingness, we want to solve. High level objectivity is important to broadening our intelligence and understanding the situations in life that we want to comprehend.
Article serves as publication of first, second and third day of World Space Week.
--Astrophysics Angie (10/6/2016)