My World Series Preview and Predictions | The Odyssey Online
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My World Series Preview and Predictions

Although my playoff predictions were slightly off, this World Series has caught my attention and here are my predictions on its potential outcome.

My World Series Preview and Predictions

I was wrong, as my ten viewers know. I was not completely incorrect however. I guessed the National League games correctly in that the Cubs did make it to the World Series, but my American League predictions were way off. So I am putting this behind me and releasing my new and improved Major League Baseball World Series 2016 prediction.

THE CLEVELAND INDIANS ARE GOING TO WIN! I know. I know. My ten viewers are thinking what is wrong with this girl! But keep reading because I am almost 100% certain that this prediction is correct. Look, the thing is is that the Cubs have not had the easiest road to get to the World Series. They also had an incredible season, so when are they finally going to slump? Well, with only 5 games left at the most, this slump is bound to come sooner or later. Not only do the Cubs have the chance of slumping, but they are also facing the red-hot Cleveland Indians right now. Who is going to stop them as they continue to surge past their competition with their fearless and unstoppable reliever, Andrew Miller? The answer is: no one. Not Kris Bryant, not Anthony Rizzo, not Kyle Schwarber. Look, I am not saying that this series is going to be a blow-out by the Indians; however, the Indians are going to win whether it takes 5 games, 6 games, or 7 games, they are going to win, and here is the break down:

The Cubs obviously have a better starting pitching rotation than Cleveland. With Jon Lester pitching in Game 1, and Jake Arrieta pitching in Game 2, Kyle Hendricks in Game 3, and John Lackey in Game 4, its going to be hard to get past the Cubs starting pitchers. With this being said, if the Indians manage to get a couple of runs off of each starter, they are guaranteed to win. The Cubs bullpen is not nearly strong enough to match the hot bats of Jason Kipnis and Francisco Lindor. Also, the Cubs do not have the most trustworthy starter in Aroldis Chapman who has blown a few saves for them this year.

In terms of the Indians' pitching, they have a handful of guys that were not originally in their pitching rotation. Trevor Bauer and Josh Tomlin really did not start as pitchers until the second half of the season. They have proved to be successful in the playoffs as they have defeated two tough opponents in the Red Sox and the Blue Jays. The Indians also have former Cy Young award winner Corey Kluber in their pitching rotation who has also been a threat these playoffs. This rotation does the job for Cleveland as they are merely attempting to limit the amount of runs the Cubs score before the Indians place their unstoppable relief pitcher, Andrew Miller, into the game.

To be honest, just by looking at the names on the Cub's roster you would think they would easily be able to out-slug the Indians. This is not the case at this point of the season as Francisco Lindor has been incredible and their catcher, Roberto Perez, has been such a surprise as he has launched more than 3 home runs in the playoffs in addition to a number of singles and a few doubles. I think that the streak the Indians are on right now with the success of their lineup and Andrew Miller makes them a force to be reckoned with and a tough obstacle for the Cubs.

So as you watch the next few games, keep in mind that the Cubs are facing a difficult team and could ultimately lose this year's World Series. The Indians are on fire and could easily run away with the title. And last thing, don't forget, the Indians are going to win.

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