If it does not affect your pay, do not let it affect your day.
I appreciate the benefits of social media. However, I have learned about and witnessed it be an impediment to the development of our society. I would swear to jump headlong off of an overpass if I ever saw another incorrect, falsified, political article/meme/post, but I would be dead within five posts.
The inspiration for this piece came in light of the mass shooting at a night club in Orlando and the murder of Christina Grimmie. In my ideal world, I have this concept in which people just don't give a shit about other people. Now, stay with me on this. There is an addendum to this idea of mine. Louis CK was quoted in the subheadline of this article. To sum up, only care about your neighbor enough to assure that they are doing fine. Don't covet. Don't steal. Ya' know, maybe don't go shoot up a night club because you are a religious extremist and despise gays. Are the gays seeking you out? Are they trying to twerk-a-derk their gay asses up on you? My bet is no.
This "not giving a shit" policy is multi-faceted. The previous paragraph preached religious and social tolerance -- which of course is very important. I will admit that I am not a champion for gay rights. I am not an activist for any cause. I just try to not be jerk and be considerate of others. The best thing about me is when there is someone who presents a different opinion I move on. I don't get butt hurt. Being moderate you would think I have potential to rub elbows with many people who think differently. I have a redneck, conservative, Trump-loving cousin in Alabama who supports a lot of things I don't -- Trump being the main one. Want to know how I cope? I just don't give a shit.
He says slightly racist things here and there. Am I offended? In a sense, I am. Want to know the best thing about being offended? You. Will. Be. Fine. You can be offended and it doesn't affect your health, your paycheck, your nothing.
What we have here is a formula for success. Here are three things that have to occur for world peace to happen: 1. Everybody has to promise really hard not to be blatant assholes. Just try a little bit to be respectful of others and their property. 2. Tolerate whatever weird things other people do. As long as it doesn't hinder you from living your life, then shut up and do you, boo boo. 3. If someone says or does something offensive, just move on and be mature. Unless they are harassing you and persisting to offend you, you are fine. Otherwise, you can probably feel free to intervene and behave within legal bounds to cease their stupidity. These simple steps alone can help you be a better, more likable person and if observed could prevent many, if not all, violent acts ever committed (such as those previously mentioned). Finally, remember the golden rule:
If it does not affect your pay, do not let it affect your day.