I know the feeling all too well - the little voice inside your head telling you that you are no good. I know how it might tell you that you're worthless.
Heck, I've written thisand it has more than 15,000 views, which is a little terrifying because there are so many of us out there. And it is somewhat exciting because I never thought any of my words would have much of an audience.
I know that whatever is going on inside your head is not something many people will ever understand. And it is hard sometimes to find that one person that will listen to you when you are not feeling your best. People are so quick to judge, and although I have a wonderful support system, I am still afraid to reach out to people.
So I just want to remind you of a few things:
1. You are far more important than you think.
You are kind, and you are important. You might not always feel important, or important at all - but there are people that think more of you than you might ever.
2. You are not your sadness.
Never forget this, even when it overwhelms you. Your sadness never defines you as a person.
4. You are not a nuisance!
If someone makes you feel as if you are, just know you don't need them in your life.
If no one else has checked up on you today - do a check on yourself: Are you hungry? Have you eaten today? If no, that's okay. I hope that you find some kind of snack even if your snack might be some crackers.
Do you have the energy to take a shower? Have you taken care of yourself? Getting out of bed and brushing your teeth is a feat in and of itself!
Sometimes, all we seek is some kindness from another person. People can be so cruel and they refuse to understand. And I want you to know that there is at least one person (me!) rooting for you and your life.
Please know, that you are not useless! You are not worthless! You have worth!
I know that may be hard to remember at times and it might be hard to do much of anything, but if no one has told you any of that today, you just have been.
Life may not always go the way that we want it to but we have a purpose, don't we? We're on this planet at the same time for some reason and it's our responsibility to figure out why!
Besides, if you don't think that you are loved, there are so many animals that you can love on and that will love you right on back. Having a service animal can really be life-changing.
You are not your thoughts and you are not your sadness. You may not feel like the sadness will ever go away, but I promise that one day, you will wake up and not be overwhelmed by feelings of sadness. It might take longer than you would ever wish but I promise, it does get better. It always gets better.
Some days I feel like nothing is ever going to be okay again but I am comforted by the fact my worst day will ever only be 24 hours. We never know what tomorrow will bring, but let us hope that it brings us happiness and a sunshine-filled day.