We wake up every morning just to learn of another heartbreaking incident, another shooting, another terrorist attack, another murder. This world has become so full of hate for another kind, for another man who is different than us. These differences should not be fueling such hate. These differences should be fueling curiosity, bonds, and intrigue. We should celebrate these differences and learn about other people rather than fearing them, hating them, and feeling the need to attack them.
There is so much hate in this world, that hate leads to crimes and attacks -- horrible doings that only lead to more hate. One hateful act leads to hatred for yet another group of people and the chain continues and will keep growing until we do something about it. Two wrongs do not make a right.
It is saddening to know that so many innocent people have been murdered in the last few weeks, all because of hate, fear, ignorance, and the idea that one group is better than another. Our differences make us great, we are all part of the human race, all the same but different.
That is what we are. We are all people. We all have hopes and dreams and goals. We all love and feel and live on this planet. We are people. It is as simple as that. So the color of our skin nor the god we believe in nor the people we love should have any influence in deciding who is better than whom. We are all people.
What happened in France is heartbreaking; everyone knows that. Innocent people died in the hands of a terrorist group. What happened in Orlando and Dallas, the murders of men of color, it all breaks my heart and makes me question what this world is coming to. Why must we hate one another? Why must we fight a war that does not need to be fought?
It is funny how these attacks and murders bring us together as a community but also drive us apart with hatred towards a different group. These terrible instances are adding fuel to a fire that did not need to exist.
We must stop that hate. We must stop the fighting and the killing. We must stop terrorists and stand together. This life is hard enough as it is without everyone fighting each other. We must learn to love each other, to have each other’s backs, protect each other, and end the fight that is doing no good, just fueling more hate.
Black lives matter, French lives matter, cops lives matter, all lives matter. We need to deal with the issues that we are facing, not with more violence and hate, but with caring and understanding. Not everyone is a threat, not everyone is bad, but the way we are heading, it may turn us all bad. We are turning ourselves against each other. How will we ever stand together and protect our allies when we cannot even stand and protect our own?
I try not to write about this kind of stuff, there is enough bad news and hate in the media and the world already, but I cannot stand quiet anymore. We all must band together and fix these problems. As Gandhi once said, “You must be the change you wish to see in the world.”
Let’s be the change. Let’s make this world a place we are proud of, starting right here at home, we must show love and understanding to our neighbors, even if they might be different than us.