World Cancer Day | The Odyssey Online
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World Cancer Day

February 4TH is a day to spread and raise awareness.

World Cancer Day
World Cancer Day

Picture 700 people standing around a high school football field or a university's track in complete silence. The only light shines from paper bags circling the track. Bags are lit as the announcer reads, "Please light your candle in honor or memory of your: neighbor, classmate, teacher, great-grandparent, friend, cousin, aunt, uncle, grandparent, brother, sister, spouse, parent, or self." Emotions are high, tears flow, and shivers go down your spine as you walk the track in silence with strangers that suddenly seem so familiar to you. This is the scene during the American Cancer Society's Relay For Life, specifically the Luminaria Ceremony. I have experienced seven Luminaria Ceremonies, and with each year that passes, I have more bags surrounding me. Cancer affects every family in the world, and I am sick of letting it take the lives of our loved ones.

World Cancer Day is February 4, and it is a day dedicated to raising awareness about Cancer research and prevention. There are preventative measures that we can take to try and end Cancer.

1. Quit Smoking

We all know that smoking is extremely dangerous for smokers and their families, but some cannot seem to quit. Smoking is the leading cause of preventable deaths in the United States. Lung Cancer is just one of many Cancers that can be caused by cigarette smoke, along with many other pulmonary diseases.

2. Receive Screenings

Breast Cancer is usually genetic or predisposed to a person, however early detection is key. Women, and men, should regularly perform self-breast exams and annually receive mammograms. Along with mammograms and ultrasounds, scheduling a colonoscopy or cervical exam, and other routine screenings are crucial for early detection. It is vital to know your family history with Cancer in order to schedule the screenings at an appropriate age.

3. Watch Alcohol Consumption

Drinking alcohol is linked to increasing the risk of causing six, different Cancers. College students are usually not thinking of their increasing risk for Cancer with each shot or beer on a Thirsty Thursday, however it is

4. Skin Care

According to, around 50% of Americans who live to 65, will have a form of Skin Cancer during their lifetime. Tanning booths have been under scrutiny for years, however many consumers continue using them. Applying sunscreen, wearing hats, and protective clothing are a few measures that should be taken during the summer months. Personally, I reapply SPF 50 every hour and sometimes more frequently than that. It is important to know what your skin needs, and to annually visit a dermatologist.

5. Healthy Lifestyle

Obesity increases the risk of being diagnosed with Cancer. Regular exercise and a balanced diet are two, preventative measures. Sometimes our genetics are inevitable, but it is better to practice healthy choices to avoid hearing the three words that no one wants to hear from their doctor.

To learn more about World Cancer Day, visit because together we can make a difference. On February 4th, I challenge you to raise awareness and spread prevention strategies. Let's make the number of Luminaria bags decrease, and the lights shine from birthday rather than remembrance candles.

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