When it comes to New Year's resolutions, most people decide they want to lose weight or exercise more. The downside, however, is that most people don't necessarily follow through. In fact, right now is around the time most people decide to quit. If you're someone that wants to stick to your resolution to either work out more or get in shape, here are four tips that can help you stay on track.
1. Go with friends
2. Try group fitness classes
The good thing about group fitness classes is that they are usually held at the same time every week. Group fitness is a great way to start exercising, especially if you are really trying to make exercise a daily part of your life. Contrary to popular belief, no one is judging you if you are not doing exactly with the instructor is doing. So long as you show up and try your best, you're making personal gains and that's still something.
3. Plan out your time
Everyone's favorite excuse is that they "don't have the time" to exercise. Planning out your time makes a world of a difference. If you want to get in shape you need to remember that going to the gym is just as important as attending your classes. If you sit down and plan out the days you want to go to the gym, there is a pretty good chance you'll actually start going.
4. Mix it up
Doing the same thing over and over again gets really boring really quickly. I've noticed that when I try something or just change my normal routine I am much more motivated to work out. Using new machines, taking a new group fitness class or even just changing the exercises you normally do pushes you to be better and makes you want to work more.