27. "Ball For Me" by Post Malone | The Odyssey Online
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Health Wellness

30 Workout Songs That Will Make You "Werk"

Songs that will help you push through that last burpee!

30 Workout Songs That Will Make You "Werk"

gify https://goo.gl/images/4txtYu

I definitely give listening to music a huge factor in my ability to workout (well).

If you frequent the gym enough, you know what it's like to forget your headphones at home. You just find yourself standing there wondering if you should just go home, you tried right? You find yourself going through all the stages of grief, anger (that you forgot them), depression (that you're not gonna have Brittney telling you to "work bitch"), bargaining (do you use the headphones from the 'lost and found' at the gym), I think you get the point. Good music is essential to having a killer workout in my opinion. I truly wouldn't wish that upon my worst enemy.

A good playlist can give you that motivation to work harder than you ever thought possible before. I believe a good workout playlist can help you get through the craziest workout that your friends, trainer, or coach convince you into doing. Some of the best songs below helped me get through the gruesome workouts, and I believe they can help you too.

Honest some really good empowering hype songs can give you that boost of confidence in the gym as well. It can be an intimidating place for a lot of people, but if you have that amazing playlist on you'll just own it, be confident, and not be afraid to break a sweat in front of the cute person at the squat rack. Take these songs that I have been loving lately for working out, and go out there and be confident in yourself at the gym, go work hard, summer bodies are built in the winter!

1. "Stay for it" by RL Grime

2. "New Rules" by Due Lipa (Alice in Wonderland remix)

3. "Overseas" by Desiigner

4. "Undo" by RL Grime

5. "Tie me Down" by Gryiffin

6. "Going bad" by Meek Mill

7. "I Wanna Know" by RL Grime

8. "God is a Woman" by Ariana Grande (HOPEX remix)

9. "Startender" by A Boogie wit da Hoodie

10. "Me OK" by Jeezy

11. "Uproar" by Lil Wayne

12. "Wow" by Post Malone

13. "1.5" by 21 Savage

14. "SICKO MODE" by Travis Scott

15. "Money" by Cardi B

16. "First off" by Future

17. "Light me up" by RL Grime

18. "In for it" by RL Grime

19. "Schoolin life" by Beyonce

20. "UCLA" by RL Grime

RL Grime - UCLA ft. 24hrs (Official Audio) subscribe for more music + videos: http://smarturl.it/RLGrimeYouTube NOVA OUT NOW: http://smarturl.it/RLGrimeNOVA ...

21. "Wrecking Ball" Miley Cyrus (CAKED UP Remix)

22. "Falling in Love" by Dennis Kruissen (Trap Nation remix)


23. "So Close" by NOTD

Buy/Stream: http://notd.lnk.to/SoClose NOTD: Music: https://notd.lnk.to/Listen Socials: https://NOTD.lnk.to/Socials FELIX JAEHN Official Website: http://www....

24. "GDFR" by Flo Rida

Flo Rida's new EP "My House" is available now! Download here: http://smarturl.it/MyHouseEP Stream here: http://smarturl.it/MyHouseSpotify Listen to other tra...

25. "Backseat freestyle" by Kendrick Lamar


26. "Pretty Girl" by Maggie Lindemann (Cheat Codes x Cade Remix)

🔥 Maggie Lindemann - Pretty Girl (Cheat Codes x Cade Remix) 🔥 ↪︎iTunes: http://flyt.it/PrettyGirlxCheatCodes ↪︎Spotify: http://flyt.it/PrettyGirlxCheatCodesS...

27. "Ball For Me" by Post Malone

Provided to YouTube by Universal Music Group Ball For Me · Post Malone · Nicki Minaj beerbongs & bentleys ℗ 2018 Republic Records, a division of UMG Recordin...

28. "ili" by TroyBoi

29. "Afterhours" by TroyBoi

30. "Ain't My Fault" by Zara Larsson

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