Most of us wish we could be the kid who didn’t have to work in college. The one who could let loose every day after school not worrying about making a shift or getting to work on time. But instead, we have to figure out how to mix college life and work and something that resembles a social life in one schedule, all the while staying sane. We have a very strict – and what seems like small – allowance from parents that is made for a college student who only eats ramen noodles and sleeps rather than for the college kid who wants to go out to eat once and a while, see a movie or simply pay for gas.
We wish money could just come out of our ears but unfortunately scientists haven’t figured out how to do that, so instead we work. We stay up till all hours of the night catching up on homework, calculating how much money we’d have left if we ‘bought this’ but ‘didn’t buy that’, and every time we have to cancel we attempt at coming up with a new excuse that didn’t start with ‘sorry I can’t because’…
We’re not saying that working in college is bad because it definitely has its rewarding perks but sometimes we wish people could understand where we are coming from. We wish they could understand that a couple hundred dollars in organization fees is a little bit harder to get and that our money comes in as much as the hours we decide to add to our load.
So working college kids, I applauded you because no one understands the struggle better than you.