No perfect explanation of school and work than the working friends of this fun twentysomething-year-old group.
When you get the day off that you requested
Free time is VERY valuable.
When that direct deposit hits
Its' a lovely feeling.
You to yourself when you blow your paycheck the first week
The first week of a biweekly paycheck requires EXTREME self control.
Hearing your classmates that don't work complain about how they never have time
Working while going to school really teaches you how to manage your time, the limited time you have.
When you're at work and remember you have an assignment due at midnight
There is no greater moment of panic than this.
When your Ramen noodle diet starts to take a toll
Vegetables? What are those?
When you and your favorite coworker are scheduled for the same shift
This makes your shift much more enjoyable.
Getting off of work and seeing your college friends
Work friends and college friends are a different breed, but you love them both.
Letting loose when you have a night off
AND no early morning work or class.
When you're almost late for work
You may know this feeling all too well.