They say that everyone is special in their own way, and this is true, but some people biologically really are special. Thousands of people have chromosomal disorders like down syndrome and autism and I am lucky enough to work with about twenty of these amazing people every week.
Through my school, I volunteer three hours a week at what basically is an adult day care for people with special needs. This program was created for special needs adults who can no longer go to school, so therefore, they don't have much to do besides sit and watch television. It gives them a chance to get out of the house and learn and engage with others, as well as having tons of fun and making friends.
Every week, I get to play games with them like bingo and Just Dance, make crafts, do karaoke, and so many other fun things. I get to interact and talk with them and have gotten to know all of them on a personal level.
Before working at this program, I hadn't had much experience with special needs people but had always been interested in working with them. To be honest, I was a little nervous at first. I wasn't exactly sure what to expect from them and I had a lot of questions. But after several months of working with them, I have grown so close to them and love them with all of my heart. I have learned that special needs people are really just people, they just have to take things a bit slower.
I was blown away by how, even with their disabilities, these people were some of the happiest people I had ever met in my life. They all always greet me with a smile and a hug and are made happy by the tiniest, simplest things. It has taught me to try to appreciate the little things in life and that I can approach everything in my life with a smile if I try to do so.
They also have taught me how truly unique everyone is. I was surprised by how despite their differences, they still had unique personalities and characteristics. Everyone is different from each other and that is what makes people so special. So really, special needs people are just simply extra special compared to the rest of the population.
I have learned how important giving my time and energy to others is through my experience. Every week, I get to put a smile on their faces and make them laugh and that is so important. If I ever have a break or can't come to my service, I always come back with questions from them on why I was gone and how they missed me. I truly am making a difference in these people's lives, and reminding them how truly unique, special, and important they are, and that is something that truly makes this an invaluable experience.