If you work retail, you completely understand how much you try to stop yourself from quitting your job every single day, but then you realize that you are a poor college student. The struggles of working retail are pretty broad against all retail companies, and I can assure you that we all know them a little to well.
1. When a customer enters the store, and you say "Welcome to _______," but they completely ignore you.
2. When you think you've been at work for four hours, but it's only been 10 minutes
3. When you have to work a floor set.
4. When a customer asks if there is anymore in the back
5. When clothes keep piling up in the fitting room, and you can no longer get it under control.
6. When a customer gives you a nasty attitude.
7. When you have terrible social anxiety and genuinely hate people, but part of your job is being nice and talking to people
8. Do you work here?
9. When you approach a customer who is making a mess of the clothes you just folded, and you ask them if they need anything, but they say "no" and continue to throw clothes around.
10. When you're finally approached by a customer for help.
11. When it's finally time for your break
12. When you have to work a closing shift, but an opening shift the next day.
14. When a customer walks in 5 minutes before closing
15. When a customer asks to speak to the manager and they tell them the exact same thing that you told them.
16. When you finally get paid after all the hours of endless torture
17. The moment when you finally get to clock out and go home