"I love my job"
I say this to myself millions of times under my breath throughout my shifts. Don't we all?
After all the crazy customers, or even the sweetest of people, we find ourselves needing constant reminders that one little thing shouldn't be the ruining factor of your entire week.
We've all had those times where you contemplate why you are working retail, whether you've been there for a week or 4 years. Everybody questions their employment at one point, so here's to many more crazy experiences in retail.
1. Your alarm clock goes off before your shift and you're like:
Do I have to go?
2. You're at work and someone asks you how it is, your natural response is:
How much longer until I can leave?
3. Looking at the clock every 5 minutes like:
Only 6 more hours, cool. I can do this.
4. As much as you don't want too, or you're told not too, you find yourself stereotyping every customer who shops in your store:
5. When you get to train the newbie:
6. When the customer starts telling you their life story at the register:
I just want to be anywhere but here, listening to you.
7. Or when the customer complains it's really busy, causing them trouble getting through all the crowds (especially on Black Friday when you're struggling to stay awake)
You don't even know the half of it.
8. That annoying customer doesn't believe you, so they ask to speak to the manager. The manager proceeds to say exactly what you were saying, so you're standing there like:
You can go now.
9. As they're FINALLY leaving......
10. But now your favorite co-worker's shift is ending, and you're still there:
Only how much longer?
11. But now it is finally your time to leave
And unless you hurry, someone will stop you and ask you where something is. So hurry.
12. Driving home like:
Well, until your next shift. Where it starts all over again.