The "freshman fifteen" is usually a dreaded and intimidating physical change that is a daunting task to conquer. Easy access to good food, high-calorie beer pong games, and a lack of nagging parents can easily have a college freshman outgrowing their britches by the end of the first semester. To combat this unwanted expanding of the waistline, many college students choose to exercise in the available gym facilities. However, many of these freshmen have never done serious lab work before, something that I personally have noticed this semester. Hence: the comprehensive list of the dos and don’ts for working out in a college gym.
We’ll start with the Don’ts:
1. Don’t grunt, scream, yell, or talk at an unnecessary volume, and especially no singing out loud.
Practically nothing is more irritating to your fellow gym goers than someone who can't keep their mouth shut. An occasional primal grunt when you’re deadlifting 400 lbs. is acceptable, but really no one cares how good you think you sound when you’re singing your own acapella version of the Mulan soundtrack while you spin effortlessly on the recumbent bike.
2. Don’t use your phone more than you work out.
Taking up equipment or a rack while Snapchatting your girlfriend because you finally got that bicep vein is annoying. If you need to change your song or send a quick text between sets, go ahead; but be conscious of how much you’re tapping away instead of busting out some reps.
3. Don’t be embarrassed.
Everyone remembers the first day that they went to the gym. Even the huge meat-head with cannonball shoulders and mountainous traps was out of shape at some point in their lives. Don’t be afraid to ask questions and get involved because you are afraid of getting judged. Trust me, people at the gym are more focused on themselves than they are on you.
4. That being said: Don’t give them a reason to judge you.
Don’t perform an exercise if you don’t know the correct technique or how much weight to use. Don’t be afraid to ask someone who knows what they are doing to give you a hand; most people would much rather spend five minutes helping you than an hour being annoyed with you. The fitness community is very accepting, so if you put in the effort, they will reward you with the results.
5. Don’t skip leg day.
And now the Dos:
1. Wear the appropriate clothing.
Proper workout attire can improve your workout as much as poor attire can ruin it. In the same way, that you shouldn’t go to a job interview in denim overalls, you shouldn't workout in corduroys and a Vineyard Vines button down (yes, I have seen this). In addition, buying new cute or cool workout clothes can be another point of motivation to get to the gym.
2. Vary your workouts and try new things.
Ever wonder why there are so many machines and types of weights at a gym? You can only make so much progress with the bench press and a treadmill. The more you challenge yourself and push your body the faster and better the results will come.
3. Bring a friend, roommate or a workout buddy.
At least personally, nothing pushes me to achieve results like a bet or a competition, or even just trying to impress my friends. A workout buddy can push you to your limits and will notice when you are making gains. They can also provide a spot and can teach you about fitness if they are more experienced.
4. Eat right, before, during and after the gym.
You can’t put regular gas in a Ferrari, so you should apply the same principal to your body. Eating high-quality carbs like whole-grain pasta and oatmeal, plenty of protein, and lots of leafy green vegetables will give your body the fuel it needs to perform. If you also avoid sugar-dense foods and limit your simple-carb (bread, white pasta, etc.) intake, you can work hard and get shredded. Also, a pre-workout mix and BCAAs during your workout can take a good lift or run to a great one.
Additional Advice:
People notice blender bottles. Placing one that has a mysteriously colored liquid in it is an unspoken way to claim your territory in peak hours. Humans have an innate respect for fluid, it seems.
Gentlemen: Remember your cardio.
Ladies: Don’t be afraid of the weights. They won’t make you bulky or masculine unless you start taking steroids. They will get you toned as hell and lookin’ hella fine.
Don’t wear lifting gloves if you touch the weights. Either develop the calluses and use chalk or face the undeniable scrutiny of the lifting community. They’re called sissy mittens for a reason.