Everyone seems to know that exercise is important in keeping in shape and improving the overall well-being of the person performing the activity. So why are there so few people in the college population actually going to the gym? Excluding laziness, there are many reasons why one could not go to the gym ranging from disabilities, poor time management skills, feeling overwhelmed by college in general and many more. However, going to the gym at least twice a week has shown to not only improve one’s physical fitness, but also to improve one’s happiness, sleep patterns, eating habits, and study habits.
By going to the gym in the early morning, you find that you are more energized for the rest of the day. You are inclined to go and do something else instead of going back to bed once you are finished with your workout. You may find yourself looking at healthier options in the grocery store to improve your muscle gain or at least reduce your fat and sugar intake. You may also find yourself being extremely tired by the end of the day and going to sleep at an earlier time and waking up at the same time you did the morning before so that you can go back to the gym and work on a different muscle group, thus improving your sleep schedule.
You may also feel more inclined to get your homework done after your early morning workout because your mind is awake and functioning and ready to tackle that new project or paper that is due next week. Exercise will motivate you to do the things that you didn’t want to do beforehand simply because you now have the energy to do them.
When all is said and done, exercise not only helps increase muscle mass and cut down body fat, but it also helps your social life by forcing you to reschedule your life so that you have more time in the day for other things. Once your workout is done at 7 AM, you have the rest of the day waiting for you. You can finish reading your homework for your 10 AM class, or make a healthy breakfast that will boost your metabolism to keep you going through the rest of the day or you may just want to relax and read your favorite book. Any way you look at it, exercise is a lifestyle that should be practiced in order to affect every aspect of your life, not just the physical.