I hate working out. If I could pick what to do in any given day, it would certainly not be working out. Exercise and Fiona do not mix.
I am lazy. I do not like getting up from my bed. I don’t mind doing my school work because I can lay down while I do it. Physical exercise requires me to leave my room, sweat, be sore, shower and then be able to go back to bed. Not worth it.
To be on the bowling team, we had to do preseason workouts. I repeat what I said earlier, I hate working out. I was not excited for this. I was told it wasn’t so bad, the workouts wouldn’t kill me, so I had some faith going in.
Unfortunately, I turned out to be far more unfit than originally thought. Running was probably one of the hardest tasks I’ve faced in college life. My team helped me feel motivated to keep going, even though I struggled to stay at everyone else’s level.
Within a few weeks, I noticed that running wasn’t so hard anymore. It was tough, very tough at times, but it wasn’t how it was in the beginning. I was feeling better about running; it wasn’t so much of a chore. It helped, of course, that I had a team with me through the entire preseason. When I struggled, they reminded me that I was completely capable of the task in front of me. I couldn’t breathe at times, but the high fives and “Good Jobs” kept me from giving up.
Thank God they helped me through it. I haven’t felt this fit in my entire life. I have muscles! Very small muscles, but muscles nonetheless. I have struggled all my life with working out, I hated it and still do to a degree.
Fellow lazy people, do not give up on working out. One day you will find a workout buddy or a team like I did, that will make you work out. You won’t like it, in fact if you’re like me it will be a struggle to get up and go half the time, but you’ll feel better at the end of the day.