Even though summer is months away from now, all I think about is my summer body. All I want is to be in perfect shape for this upcoming summer with all the trips that are planned. I've realized that putting off working out isn't going to help anything. Really you need months to get that dream summer body we all dream about, so hitting the gym weeks before isn't really going to solve anything.
We all spend the money to get your hair done, nails done, spend money at the mall easily, and weekends out; not even a question. So why put a price point on your body? You wear that every single day. You want to look your best and feel your best, then invest in putting in the time to workout is worth it itself.
Don't put off getting into shape and your dream body till next year. If 2019 really is going to be your year then get it, girl! You are in control of every decision you make, but putting off one goal can lead to ruining the next goals to come!
These goals won't just come to you, you have to get out there and find the resources to get that goal!
There is no excuse for this year. If this is something you want, get it done! Health is so important these days! It gets you to those goals of your dream body and not only will you feel better physically you will feel better mentally also!
It's not about starving yourself to get this summer body, really there is no summer body; it's just a healthy body. Don't starve yourself to get the goal it's not healthy and can lead down paths no one should go through. Learn how to get out of the habit of eating junk and fast food all the time. Take the time to read about nutrition, meal prep, just eat healthier. Also don't completely overdo it, yes you will be working to be healthier, stronger, and fitter, but listen to your body. If something hurts don't overdo it and possibly damage yourself. As much as you want it, it's not worth injuring yourself over it.
Everybody is beautiful in their own way. But being healthy should be everyone's goal. It can really change your lifestyle.
I was always skinny but never entirely happy with my body. Plus I was always sick, whatever anyone had I would get. I was always dehydrated from not drinking enough water. And my mental health was not in a good state. Since I started working out I learned to love my body and I do 100% now. I drink my body weight in oz of water and it has me feeling so much better. I still have days where I wake up and don't feel good, but I get up and get what I need to get done and throughout the day I feel so much better. My mental health is in such a good state right now. Being more body positive and looking at life with such a more positive attitude really helps.
There are ways to get healthier and look out for your body. You just need to find the right ones for you! Crush those goals and kill it this summer!!