Working out is hard. When deciding on what to write about for my next article I thought this topic would help me start my workout routine. I was wrong.
I’ve probably worked out on my own three to four times in the past month despite the many weight loss goals I have.
I hate making excuses but I have to blame it on school. School takes up sooo much of my time. But last year at this time I stuck to my work out plan pretty well. Not only was I more motivated but I was doing it for the right reasons.
Right reasons are:
1. To help my overall wellbeing
Because if I just work out to lose weight I might not always see results on the scale, which a lot of people say not to use unless you can also measure body fat and inches lost. But even if the scale doesn’t move just know you are contributing to a healthy mind body and spirit.
2. To reach realistic goals
Some people will work out to look like someone in a magazine instead of a leaner more toned version of themselves. Like for me, I’m short with natural big breast, hips, and thighs. It’s unrealistic for me to aim to be a super slim woman like Zendaya.
3. Do it for you and nobody else
Remember to keep your goals personal. Don’t let anyone get in your head about how much you should lose or what your goals should be unless it comes from a health professional.
Hopefully, these tips will keep you motivated if not try these:
1. Keep a fitness and food journal
I type mine into my period tracking app for ease. And although I don’t count calories, I see how much of the food I ate was good or bad for my personal diet.
2. Share your goals with others
They will hold you accountable and may even be inspired enough to join you on their fitness journey.
3. Write out your fitness plans and goals
I make my colorful and fun to look at. I also put them in a place I look at often so I never lose focus.
Fitness is hard! But it can be a lot of fun and even more rewarding. And if nothing else works, find a workout bae like the couple in the cover photo ;)