Every month I have been trying something new. For my new thing this month, I decided to go on a mission trip... to Boston, Massachusetts!
When most people think "mission trip," they just think of building houses and doing various things like that, which are great things, and I think people should keep doing them!
However, mission trips mean something a little different to me.
They mean sharing the love of Christ, serving others the way Christ served/serves us.
After Jesus washed His disciples' feet, He said, "Do you know what I have done for you? You call me Teacher and Lord. This is well said, for I am. So if I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another's feet. For I have given you an example that you also should do just as I have done for you." (John 13:12-15)
As a follower of Christ, I believe to love is to serve. I believe that Christians should strive to follow the example that Christ has set.
My goal going on my mission trip wasn't to force people to become a Christian.
What I genuinely wanted was to love people to the best of my ability, regardless of what they believed or did. I wanted the homeless that my team and I served to feel welcome and not to feel less than. I really wanted to serve and to love.
One of the ways that I learned to serve people was by praying for them.
When I pray for someone, it is really hard to judge them. For some people, it is easy to assume that those who are homeless chose that life. I used to be one of those people, honestly.
I would pass by those who were homeless and hesitate to drop a few dimes in their bucket. After praying for those who are homeless, I couldn't help but love them and care for them. My compassion for them grew, and it made me realize that they were created by the same God that created me, and that I should offer the love that I have been given by Christ.
One of the ways that I was humbled was by spending time with a 14-year old.
At first, when I spent time with this 14-year old, I envied her. Her mom was on the Boston Mission Trip with her, and she was raised as a Christian with true followers of Christ... which is very different from how I was raised.
Regardless of becoming a Christian at 18-years old, I felt like I was on top of the world while following Christ, which was very prideful of me and is an emotion that I regret. But I was humbled when I saw this 14-year old with such mature yet child-like faith pursue Jesus with all her might.
My envy turned into great affection for this young girl who showed me (without even realizing it) how to love Christ with all my heart, mind and soul. My pride turned into humility with a desire to learn from the gentleness and graciousness of this sweet 14-year-old.
One of the ways that I learned to love people was by hearing their story.
Regardless of who the people were and where they came from, I learned to listen. I learned to listen to these created individuals. Whether they were homeless or wealthy, Muslim, Atheist or Christian, they had a story. And I desired to hear it!
Sometimes, all people want is an ear to listen. And sometimes, an ear can change a voice... if the ear cares enough to hear.
And to love, sometimes, is to just listen.
My mission trip truly changed my heart. Now that I have finally gone on a mission trip, I want to go on more, and all I can daydream about is loving others the way that Christ has loved me. My heart is awakened at night as I think about the people who haven't been shown love. This mission trip has given me an urgency to serve.
To love is to serve.