You learn a lot from retail, some good life lessons and some things that make you question the world we live in. Here are 12 things you will definitely learn when you end up working retail...
1. The Customer is NOT Always Right!
I'm sorry, but it's true.
2. Just because you frequently shop there, it does NOT entitle you to free products
If we gave you free product than we'd have to give EVERYONE free product and then the company wouldn't be making any money and I'd be out of a job. So NO! You're not getting free stuff.
3. And NO! If it doesn't have a price tag, that DOES NOT MEAN ITS FREE!
The joke was funny the first 200 times I heard it.
4. People come up with the craziest excuses for returning things
You don't even want to know some of the ones I've heard...
5. Getting time off for the holidays is pretty much impossible
Seriously, though... What is a day off?
6. When you feel you have given all you've got and still feel your sanity slipping away...
Maybe if I just smile and nod they'll think I'm paying attention...
7. You “have” to be opened minded - you can't judge anyone on their look, style, race, or gender
You would be suprised, some of the people who "look homeless" will spend the most money.
8. Everyone is dealing with something so don't take people’s attitudes personally - try and brighten their day!
Compliments just make everyone feel good... You never know what a kind word can do!
9. Just when you think you’ve seen it all, someone will always show up and surprise you
Well, that's a new one...
10. Seeing what people wore into your store will make you question humanity
I really question people sometimes... Like who dressed you?!?!
11. When the cashier asks for your name, email and zip code, you feel obligated to give it to them because you know if you don't, it will ruin their metrics
I always feel guilty when I don't give them my info because I know that if I don't, it'll ruin their metrics and I know personally that that's a huge pain
12. You have a love-hate relationship with floorsets - you get to see all of the cool new stuff, but it's a pain…
You either love them or you hate them... There's no in between