I almost feel as though we shouldn't be having this conversation but in today's society it is much needed. While something so little can be easily overlooked, it also can be frowned upon sparking all the necessary controversy. I recently was summoned for wearing my hair in it's natural state for a promotional event. I was sent an email, from the promo company I work for, stating that my hair needed to be down and styled for all events.This to me was a shock as my hair was styled and partially down.
I mentioned that my hair was styled naturally and that the back was down just pinned for "taming" reasons. I also asked, if possible if the company could verify what they mean by "styled" or if they would just prefer it straight. I was simply told that I was being too complicated. Yes, too complicated even though they were the ones to bring up the issue. Not only was I told that I was being complicated, I was also brushed off and never received an answer on what they considered "styled".
I instantly became annoyed, one for being ignored, and two because they made my hair an issue. To me it seemed simple, explain to me what is considered styled or simply just say you would prefer straight hair. Unfortunately the reality of the situation played out clearly, they simply didn't like my textured hair. I've got news for them since telling them to buzz off might cost me my job.
Here are 10 things every employer should recognize when hiring those who have natural textured hair.
1. Define Style.
2. Textured Hair Exist.
Lets not forget that the afro & Jheri curl were styles! I think that alone says enough here. If you truly think about it, natural gals sort of reinvented the old fashion granny wet set.
3.My hair texture has nothing to do with my work ethic.
Are we seriously going to keep allowing employers to get away with discrimination?! For those who will argue it isn't that I am over reacting here... lets take a look into the definition of discrimination and how it applies here.
- The unjust or prejudicial treatment of different categories of people or things, especially on the grounds of race, age, or sex."victims of racial discrimination"
- synonyms:prejudice, bias, bigotry, intolerance, narrow-mindedness, unfairness, inequity, favoritism, one-sidedness, partisanship;
2.Recognition and understanding of the difference between one thing and another."discrimination between right and wrong"
Now, consider this simple statement and think about your employer not hiring someone due to their natural/textured hair.
I refuse to go into deep details on this but Ebony magazine has a great article that breaks down The Sad Truth About Natural Hair Discrimination.
4. Just because you don't understand my hair texture, doesn't mean it isn't delightful to others.
Natural women love their hair and everything about it. They love the fact that it has texture and can also be altered in many different styles. Nothing say "I love myself" more tan being happily free in my own natural skin.
5.I would probably quit before I change my hair without reason.
Not that I would want to, but may hair is a part of me. Although, it doesn't define me as a person.Yes, your hair is what people see but the skills you possess do not rely on your hair at anytime. While employers see it as a simple fix, employees see it as discrimination and disrespectful to make hair a issue.
6.You can either love it or get over it.
Again, it is our natural hair, and with most of us textured women, it is nothing more than the hair we were born with. Kind of like the melanin in my skin, couldn't take it out if I wanted and until society as a whole can overcome discrimination within the different ethnicities, you will have to get over it.
7.Stop telling me it'll be "easy" to just wear it straight.
Straightening your hair causes damage across the spectrum, whether you have fine straight hair or textured curly. Heat, alongside chemicals, have always been the enemy. Not only does it dry the hair out, it damages and breaks the hair, most of the time texture hair doesn't last long when straight due to the sweating of the roots, causing the hair to become tangled and nappy. It is also heavily advised by hairstyles to put little to no heat to your hair as much as possible.
8. Natural hair is a process.
The next time you're about to say " Can you just throw your hair up quick?" or any last minute hair routine you have for me, just stop yourself. Natural hair is diligent and is a process. For every style it is generally done days in advance and even with a wash and go it has to air dry, as this is a heatless lifestyle. (BTW it's "BYE FELICIA" )
9. It will never look the same.
We are all unique and wonderfully made. We share one universe but our souls lead different paths. There is no middle ground with natural hair women, the hair can some times do what it wants.It's kind of like wearing Michigan weather as a head piece, never know what curl you will get or how moisturized it is.
10.Understand the culture.
The culture generally comes from African Americans. With all different backgrounds, the modern natural hair guru will pick up styles that originate from our ancestors. Before African people where brung to america, they knew nothing of relaxers,weaves or applying heat to their hair and because people of the american culture did not understand textured hair it was frowned up. Leaving most to change their identities to fit in, into what society considers normal nice hair. Clearly, nothing has changed and with so many women going back to their natural roots, it is making some people uncomfortable. Yea, what ever happened to being who you want to be!
No matter the kink or curl, it's your hair and it will forever be a part of you. Take it for what it is, love it and love yourself because you should always be judge by your character, who you are as a person, not your appearance. In my opinion, most appearances are false identities anyway so why not try to be who you truly are naturally.