Most of us go to college to get a degree. To get one step closer to our life goal, our career goal. Getting on the stage at Graduation knowing that you are ready to face the next step of your life, the next adventure; whether this be graduate school or a job, or maybe something completely different.
This is what college used to be about and what it SHOULD be about.
Yet, being scholarly is sometimes frowned upon. It seems as if people brag about how much they go out and party and how they “forgot” they had that exam or assignment due the next day. Or just that they simply do not care and still go out. When did getting my degree and using all the tools a university gives you in order to succeed in your job and studies become frowned upon?
I love to go out, don’t get me wrong, I love going to parties with all my friends just as much as everyone else. But I simply just don’t. Not because I don’t get invited but for a simple reason, money.
First of all, we pay to get our degrees. We literally pay the school so we can attend for four years and then earn our diplomas. Being International, this fee is in a very different ballpark than for U.S. Citizens. Comparing that to in-state tuition, the two don't even match up.
But this is not the main reason that personally I chose to study instead of being out all the time, it’s another concept of money. Money is also my motivation. Not the actual dollar bills, but the things it can give you. Not clothes or vain items, but the freedom from having money. The feeling that you do not have to worry constantly about what food you are buying or how much you are spending (opposite to college life). More importantly, the freedom of travel the money has. Without it, you cannot travel to Europe for example. There is just no way to get on the plane without having the money to purchase the ticket. The majority of my family still lives in Europe, my parents still own houses in Sweden; no one knows what the future holds but I know I need money as a security just in order to see my parents when they move back one day.
This past summer it became clear to me how important a good education is. Before then, I would go out every week and think that I could make it work in the future and I would be fine. The thing is I know I will be “fine” in the future. But the reason I am at college is to study… Yet, every time I stay in someone makes me feel bad about it or tries to guilt me into going out. Why??? I did not come all the way here to drink and party. I can do that without paying tuition and going to class. I did not come here to be the girl who is always out, or that people call crazy. I am here to further my education. As every single other student here is too.
But not going out is frowned upon, not being hungover in your 10 am on a Friday is weird. There are endless social things you can do that do not involve drinking till 2 am and then the next day you’re too exhausted or hungover to get actual work done (or if you do, chances are they aren’t your best). Being smart, successful, and actually care about school is not a bad thing. In my opinion its good, I don’t want to marry the guy puking from drinking so much and who is the “coolest” guy in his frat. I’d rather end up with the one who has the 4.0 and knows exactly what he is doing and wants with his life.
In the end, it’s all a matter of choices that we make, what do we prioritize and how do we want to spend our free time. I’m a full time student and that is also my intention, I will still go out and have fun and do other things but I am here for the education and not the social life.