Being a college student is stressful as most may know but it is also very frustrating when you do everything you can to save money while you see pictures of other people traveling and having fun all summer. You may be working two or three jobs or just trying to make sure you can afford books for the next semester. It sucks being responsible and picking the right option over the fun one. Although it is rough and may make your summer super boring but let me tell you how rewarding it can be to choose the responsible decision over partying every weekend.
By working all summer not only will you be more available to have fun during the semester you will also be able to save and buy things college students may struggle to save for such as a your first car, new and fun things for your dorm room, or even plan more spontaneous adventures. (I honestly think last minute adventures are far more fun than scheduled ones).
Making these choices also helps prepare you for when you graduate school and have to find a regular 9-5 job. Being able to have the ability to save and prepare for having a first apartment, car, and the ability to pay bills is a big thing for students our age to do. Even if it sucks big time.
Don't worry if you think you are losing out on making memories because you aren't we are all only in our 20s and we have our whole lives ahead of us. After graduation you can travel the world and find your place in the work force of your choosing but right now as much as you want to be out going on fabulous vacations and adventures its okay to make small, cheap ones in between each work shift. In the end you are going to appreciate being who are right now. So keep your head up and keep working hard because it is going to pay off I promise you that. Keep being the hard working you!