The job in fast food. Most of us have suffered through one. It sucks while it’s happening, but once you finally quit and get started on your career, you realize that it taught you quite a lot. As someone who worked in fast food for almost six (!) years - in perspective, that’s my last year of high school, my DEC, and my BA - here are a few things I learned during my time at Tim Hortons.
1. Nice people do exist. They're rare, but they're real.
2. There will be more jerks than nice people.
Once you get over it, you’re pretty much set for life. Things stop phasing you after you get used to customers who tell you to fuck off because you don’t have the flavour of muffin they wanted.
3. How to wake up early.
I used to take 5 a.m. shifts. Now, my 8:30 a.m. starts are a total breeze.
4. How to value money.
When you work for minimum wage, every potential purchase gets converted into how many hours of pouring coffee and taking orders you’ll have to do to pay it off.
5. Your coworkers will make or break the experience.
(I don’t think I need to say more.)
6. My time in fast food has solidified my work ethic.
I don’t like being late. I don’t like missing shifts.
In a nutshell, fast food jobs are crappy. But if you worked hard while you were there, that energy will follow you, and make you better and whatever you’ll be doing next. You can do it.